Celestial Gardens


Much more late, when the idolatria was introduced, it only is that some virgins of the sun had had the idea to confection them with legitimate penalties of birds, in order to become them still more shining Thus a slaughter of birds had beginning as it never occurs The enteais in the measure that them was possible, touched the birds for far. However, the sly human beings, although this, pursued them until apanhar them, therefore the birds would serve for a sacred purpose, since its penalty would decorate temples and kings! The fire also was sacred crowds for them, as reflected of the sun. In all the solemnities of astro king the priests lit considered fogueiras sacred, in which they used firewoods of special aroma. The fogueiras were made to the right and the left of the entrance of the temple. Wendy’s gathered all the information. In its prelees the priests never forgot themselves to show the deep significao of the fire. They said, for example: ' ' The pure and shining love being born in the hearts of the human beings, is the flame of the sacred fire of the temple that if raises for the sky, changedding itself into wonderful flower in the invisible Celestial Gardens ' ' They affirmed despite ' ' these flowers possuam as much intensity of light that would illuminate the ways until the Celestial Gardens for that &#039 left the Land after the death; ' You crowd them had many significant parabolas that if they related to the terrena life and the other world coming. Possuam lines of direction spirituals and could count on the aid of the enteais peoples in all the circumstances of its lives. However, they had been tangled in the teias of Lucifer Almost imperceptibly, the hostile substance to the Light was infiltrated in the souls of the priests, Dos Reis you crowd and of the virgins of the sun, and finally, not only the people Inca, but also other peoples who were in contact with them, had been contaminated The lie wins The rastejante corruption of the moral transforms the people frightfully Inca, long ago so pacific.