Jack Tressider

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Here is what the ancestors of the egg. Some of his called copper, or Armenian, or stone (Pierre d'Armenie), others – a brain stone, and stone, the fourth Egyptian stone, the fifth – a picture of the world …. Varbedian wondering what was doing Armenia, and even in the vicinity of the copper, who author of the manuscript, who referred to these ancestors, where and when they heard of Armenia, which in the Middle Ages in Europe was simply a province and who took it into his head to compare it with the famous Egyptian? As we can see Varbedian annoyed misses the field of view of the relationship between the concepts of "Serpent's Egg," "philosophical egg," "universal egg" and "Armenian stone" kontsetriruya his attention to the mention of copper, although he himself, in his book on the occasion of the stops on the to the existence of snake worship in Armenia. Obviously in medieval Europe was still hear the echo of the ancient past and Armenia continued to communicate with inaccessible source of wisdom and secret knowledge. It is possible for all it sheds light vysskazyvanie Helena Blavatsky, "The serpent has always been a symbol of the Adept and his immortal powers and divine knowledge." Jack Tressider stated – "Snake is the most important and complicated of all the characters embodied in the animals, possibly the oldest of them .. ". This can talk forever, but not in a newspaper article, and therefore we only note that the current negative image of the snake as a wily and cunning villains, formed only mainly in the era of Christianity and is closely connected with the biblical parable of the serpent tempter, and penetrated into Christianity with the Jewish world view according to which the serpent has always been the enemy of the Jews.

All of the above enough to be considered proved that the self-Armenian hay is directly related to the snake god shemerskomu Haya. However, we have something that can convince even the most hardcore skeptics! And so we discovered the identity of the name of Sumerian-Akkadian god Snake Haya c endoethnonym Armenians – hay, and pointed to the existence of snake worship in ancient Armenia, finally to hammer the last nail, we have to just remember that the word Snake on the Assyrian harman (a), of which actually does the name Armenia. Thus I think that I have given clear evidence that the name of self and the Armenians are directly related to most ancient cult of the god of wisdom and secret knowledge in the form of snakes. I think at the same time proved that the dominant until today in the scientific community of the origin of the Armenians have outlived themselves, erroneously regarded as Armenian language in the area common Indo-in the form in which this discipline is developing, as well as the claim that further development of these disciplines separately as and Abstracts of Armenology maloplodotvorny and finally now impossible to say that the Armenians is alien nomads of the Balkans. New discoveries about the language, origin, symbolism and the role of Armenians in the historical process does not end there. It's time to rewrite history! Arman Revazian Book 'Makarats'