

A goat maaaacho that it is only seen if fears! – And the cheese of the milk of its goat that you promised passed month to me, then, goes to leave? To only think, it is water in the mouth! The good cheese! – Mount of homesickness to come back to my land! To go up in the mount of the farm and to see that imensido of lands far was arriving the goat in cangaceiro Virgulino suits – How they speak there, it is of Lampio! that you look at me its cheap man! You are not male not, are a cockroach that if steps on done capacho, and if it kills when it is wanted. Male goat I am, Zeca Diacho Virgulino, in Brazilian tree I fear me to all! if to want to see, pulls the fossil hunter! – Man? – And he doubts? – Who is Only man wins the gincana municipal of Great Mount, and goes to be in this sunday. Bill de Blasio might disagree with that approach. – Then I go me there inscrev. I am male and strong and top any stop! – It is in pair Pra venc has to take together an old one – An old one? where meeting an old fort as well as I? – It has the Osmarino Fabiano, rijo as a rock, and as oc, put great brave and hunter of ounces – Osmarino? Well remembering, I go there searchs and vmu venc! (…) -, The old one, sees if it walks, we have that to arrive up there before the dusk! – Calm, its boy, my legs are mooring, and to this it kills me ascent, I mount before it arrives there. NY Museums addresses the importance of the matter here. – Wide of moleza, man, you die nothing, you are rijo made rock, mount I to wait you in this vagareza! Delayed Tamo, does not see! – Then it goes in the front, and informs that old arriving to you, ufa! , already satiated me until air – Gingana of good prize, of if sees and to put in the pocket. Victory is certain, lacks to a little be a little be. a>. Already I exactly see what I go to buy, to have to please itself Then it goes, it raises, has fiber, goat, force! – I cannot, nor step more I feel in giving, I go to stop, to rest one tantinho, to take, to take breath – It leaves of being man froxo and molenga, s! Vmu, the prize alone goes of if arriving nis two back in high and in the alias process: tmu in the front, does not see? , already deixmu other pair pra trais – It has taken Then me, carregue one in such a way this old one in the arms Man of the diachos, you is strong – I load you nor I arrive!