Tag Archives: food

Al Capone

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Drew pirates and buccaneers – as the first consumer Roma beautiful kreolok in bulk decorations, black men. Later the French label have experienced different trends of fashion and art – Art Nouveau, Art Deco, the era of jazz. And rum has to compete with other strong drink. Today, French Roma – from Guadeloupe and Martinique – considered among the finest in world. Dry Law played his role and Prohibition in the U.S. (1920-1933 gg.). Over 13 years 'non-alcoholic' America was attacked from the sea, illegal vendors Roma.

Pirates, may already have in the past, but their spirit is just moved to the smugglers: they business was profitable, but very dangerous. Ships with rum "surrounded" the country within a radius of 3 miles from the border (Rum line) and waited for unloading. Off the coast of New York and Philadelphia, sometimes going right to 60 "piece of plate." In the smuggling of rum many were involved, including the famous Al Capone. Smuggling ended abolition of Prohibition, and the popularity of Roma remained. How to make raw material for rum rum is sugar cane. The drink is made from molasses – molasses, away from sugar production. Stem cane crush and squeeze.

The resulting juice is filtered and boiled – to the state of syrup. Sugar crystals are removed during cooking. is blackstrap. It is diluted with water, add yeast and ferment. The resulting Braga subjected to distillation. The result is rum. Rum kicked in two ways – in the traditional copper distiller and in distillation columns.

Beverages Containing Ethyl Alcohol

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Beverages containing ethyl alcohol is called alcohol. These include: vodka, grape wine, fruit and berry wine, beer and other beverages. Natural grape wines are due to fermentation of grape juice, and fruit and berry wine from the juice of various fruits and berries. In them, in addition to alcohol (10-16%) contained tartaric, malic, acetic, succinic acid. The so-called strong ("gain" or "fastened") wines (port, Modera, etc.) obtained from natural wines by adding to them the alcohol (20%), spirits (vodka, brandy, rum) contain 40-57% alcohol, the production of beverages to implement the various distilleries. In sweet wines (dessert) contain a lot of sugar in the so-called dry wines, it is not enough. Due to the small amount of wine esters are suitable aroma, bouquet, reflexively reinforcing actions of alcohol.

Sparkling wine (Champagne), despite a slight alcohol content (10-13%) have a clear and rapid marked effect on the central nervous system because they contain carbon dioxide dramatically increases the absorbability of alcohol and speed its content in the blood. Please be aware that long-term administration of alcoholic beverages, and can lead to addiction to them with all the consequences. Beer contains, along with a small amount of alcohol (10%) nutrients in an easily digestible and absorbable form, carbon dioxide increases their absorption, and a number of other substances (for example, bitter substances, hops), stimulates the appetite. However, large quantities of beer can do injury. Craft preparation of alcoholic beverages (the so-called home-brew or vodka) is very poisonous, as they have an admixture of fusel oil, which irritates the mucous membranes, inhibits the vital centers of the medulla oblongata (respiratory, vasomotor), causes a sharp vasodilation, headache, dizziness, vomiting, and sometimes even loss of consciousness.

Often they are the cause of fatal poisoning.