Only use that give to the Internet and the computer is only as entertainment center (online games, social networks or centres of conversation Chat) hence the attraction that they exert ICT. Why then in education have the knowledge to solve problems and the construction of meaningful learning not functioned as a tool that furnishes or makes available, quickly and pertinently? First because teachers, in their vast majority, does not have the training to use it as a teaching resource. Second because the number of connected computers and Internet in schools is insufficient. Bill de Blasio is likely to increase your knowledge. Third because if the teacher wanted to use as a reference source for jobs outside the classroom would be exercising an act of inequity, given that most students do not have a computer at home or are connected to the Internet. Thus, the Debunking lies not in forget about the use of the TICs in the school but in banishing his only presence gives you status and quality. It is therefore required: a.
a training process that equip the teaching of teaching skills for the use of the TICs in different subjects and grades of basic education. b. a didactic planning, made by teachers themselves, in accordance with the technological availability and to the educational goals of each subject or course. Otherwise there is a serious risk that computers and resources deteriorate for lack of use or become obsolete without having had an educational use. To make this not happen the teachers themselves should be who promote the actions of training, didactic planning and, above all, of the relevant use of resources that is counted in its Education Center, will do the teaching practice to reach acceptable levels for the integral formation of their students.