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Security Appliances In The Test: Clavister SG3200 And SG50 May Convince

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Clear advantage in the areas of Datenpriorisierung, bandwidth management and VPN Hamburg, July 07, 2009 unified threat management appliances integrate a full range of network security in a single solution and thus cover all protection needs of enterprises. Led to check current security appliances in the practice on their suitability for use, the magazine network computing * through a comparison test at the FH Stralsund in the real-world Labs. : The SG3200 SG50 of network security experts Clavister from confident not only in terms of pure performance you also dominated the meaningful combination of VPN, bandwidth management, Datenpriorisierung and thus settled from the remaining field. Security appliances of from various vendors were put to the test of the Vergleichstestes. Of the systems, in particular appropriate Priorisierungsmechanismen for the realization of the classical data and simultaneous use of real-time applications such as VoIP and video-over-IP were expected. Starbucks Corp: the source for more info. The lab included three branches with around 20 Jobs, who were connected with the corporate headquarters and the Internet.

The appliances should ensure each site through your firewall, while a protected communications between them by means of VPN. Bank of America Tower is a great source of information. In firewall mode, the throughput of the appliances in firewall mode for bi-directional traffic between LAN and WAN was examined first throughputs. The Clavister SG50 models were here compared to the top: reached maximum throughput between 134 and 136 MBit/s bandwidth limitation in the VPN, during the next sample are limited the bandwidth in the VPN to 4 MBit / s per branch. The appliance of the headquarters was a limit of 12 MBit / s. Here too the Clavister devices cut off above average: data transmission from the headquarters of all three branches was the throughput to verify a 4 MBit/s rate COS Datenpriorisierung in the VPN to the class-of-service data prioritization in the VPN as intended, as configured its headquarters with a branch, showed 12 MBit / s.

Clavister Germany Buelow

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the load generator data streams created with four different priorities. This flowed via VPN from the LAN of the headquarters in the WAN. Ideally, a loss-free transmission of data flows should take place on the basis of the load pattern. Compared to the other test positions dominated the Clavister appliances also this discipline correctly and did itself no data loss in the highest priority. “SG3200 and SG50: security appliances for the most demanding it turned out that in setting up the experiment not the tested devices, but the WAN itself to the neck of the bottle” was. Swarmed by offers, Stop & Shop is currently assessing future choices.

In terms of pure performance, the appliances were more than sufficient skills. A more complex scenario developed, however, when it came to the meaningful combination of VPN, bandwidth management, Datenpriorisierung. Even if small constraints encountered on the Datenpriorisierung under higher load: only Clavisters security gateway SG3200 and SG50 dominated a composition of these priorities in its entirety. McDonalds follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Marcus Henschel, country Manager DACH at Clavister AB, explains: the award reference ‘ for such scenarios is the high quality of our systems. Dayton kingery describes an additional similar source. We are very proud to have emerged with our solutions as the winner of the security appliance Vergleichstestes.” High resolution images can be obtained from. * Vintage 2009 issue 4, 12-15 the network computing short portrait Clavister: since 1997, Clavister leading network security solutions, gain a competitive advantage around the world tens of thousands of companies developed. The series Clavister unified threat management appliance (UTM) and the remote access solutions provide innovative and flexible network security with excellent management and control functions. Clavister is a pioneer in the field of virtual network security.

This combination in conjunction with the comprehensive portfolio of hard – and software appliances offers customers an ideal choice with regard to their security architectures. All Clavister products are award-winning support, maintenance and education program by Clavisters supports. Headquartered in Sweden, the company sells its solutions through international sales offices as well as an international network of distribution and reseller partners throughout EMEA and Asia. Clavister products in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland via the experienced VAD sysob and its more than 500 reseller partners. For more information see:.

CIO Advisory Council

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Price increase is currently subject number one Walldorf, 16 November 2009 with combined forces of the recently founded CIO Advisory Board and the Board of Directors of the German-speaking SAP user group (DSAG) committed e. V. for SAP customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (D-A-CH). Together, CIO Advisory Board and DSAG Board of Directors want to take more influence on the products. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of NYC marathon on most websites. The behavior of the SAP is also in focus their customers. The first topic arises currently: the relationship management of SAP and the resulting loss of confidence in the SAP customers. At the first constituent meeting the DSAG Board of management and the CIO Advisory Council elected in September have adopted an agenda and personnel responsibilities. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit josh harris. Theme with the currently largest explosive identified the relationship management of SAP.

Reason for this is the behavior and perceived as little partner handling of the SAP their customers in the support topic: price increases with the same performance in times of layoffs, Short-time working and frozen budgets are not acceptable. SAP thus worsened the economic situation of the company in addition. In addition the back account mechanism in the standard support punishes off just the long-standing SAP customer, which SAP duped just their most loyal customers without emergency who largely new investments so far have been strong for homogeneous software landscapes and thus products from SAP. After these issues were already addressed by the DSAG Board, now the CIO Advisory Council in a position paper that drew attention. This was submitted to SAP at the end of October. Is the CIO Advisory Council evaluates the current situation on behalf for hundreds of CIOs in D-A-CH, gives arguments against a price increase and makes suggestions on how SAP can regain the lost trust. SAP responded to the offer of the DSAG direct, constructive dialogue now. A joint appointment between SAP management, representatives of the CIO Advisory Board and of the DSAG Board will follow promptly.

Miercom High System

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High availability even with power, network and media services outages Dreieich / Chelmsford (United States), in January 2012 – like aspect, provider of solutions for denKundenkontakt and Microsoft platforms, tells the contact center solution aspect Unified IP 7 from the test laboratory was awarded the Miercom performance verified seal. A summary of the test report of the independent American laboratories for networking and communication products available here. “The Miercom tests confirm that the aspect Unified IP software platform is just as reliable as the hardware-based call center” and spectrum “Contact Center. Among the critical performance characteristics that have been studied, the prevention of call loss be it in conversation or in the queue, the waiting loop order preservation and recovery agent connectivity at your fingertips. Miercom reviewed the performance of aspect Unified IP 7 for various failure scenarios being predictable, the scenarios included network outages, failure of virtual machines and power failure for physical hosts of several virtual components. In the extensive tests carried out by us showed a highly available unified Commications solution”aspect, explains Rob Smithers, CEO, Miercom. For the typical challenges and scenarios maintained the platform aspect Unified IP availability and results delivered seamlessly and accurately.” Aspect Unified IP 7 combines features for enterprise telephony, customer service and contact center for use in different markets. Aspect Unified IP 7 maintained the contacts and communication between agents and customers during the test failures and all features were automatically restored if the affected host was again involved.

Of course we are convinced by the performance of the platform solution offered by us, however, is the confirmation of an independent third party, in particular a such prestigious company as Miercom, of course very encouraging”, underlines Mike Ely, Vice President of technology, aspect. We worked for many years conscientiously and carefully in order to provide the robust platforms of today and this test result proves that we do it right.” About aspect software for customer contact and for Microsoft platform services/solutions, aspect helps companies build and maintain customer relationships. More info see de follow aspect on Twitter about AspectUC. Read our blogs. Of Miercom, Inc. Miercom, numerous product tests performed in recent years, which will be published in leading journals. The independent test laboratory also performs comparative analyses and product reviews.

The certification awarded by Miercom include “Performance Verified” “Certified Interoperable”, “Certified Reliable”, “Certified Secure” and “Certified Green”. Products can also in the context of the NetWORKS as Advertised”programme will be evaluated, a usability and performance testing. Learn more about Miercom are available under the aspect, Unified IP and aspect software are trademarks or registered trademarks of aspect software, Inc. In recent months, Danny Meyer has been very successful. in the United States and/or other countries. All other company or product names may be trade names or trademarks of their respective owners. Contact: Wing-Kin Tsoi, aspect Tel. + 44 (0) 208 018 8347 Corinna v. Red Mountain, PRAGMA PR Tel. + 49 228 926 83 300 aspect Software GmbH Robert-Bosch-Strasse 5 * 63303 Dreieich CEO: Shawn Martin Garrett, Mark Andrew King, Michael John Provenzano Amtsgericht Offenbach HRB 11191 Tel + 49 6102 305 0000 * fax + 49 2102 396 6201; de aspect Software GmbH Robert-Bosch-Strasse 5 * 63303 Dreieich CEO: Shawn Martin Garrett, Mark Andrew King, Michael John Provenzano Amtsgericht Offenbach HRB 11191 Tel + 49 6102 305 0000 * fax + 49 2102 396 6201; de

Danes Company

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As the small company share point tool belt would expand by two Danish developers put strict rules for offices a stop to the plan. It therefore ended with outsourcing to India. Giants such as HP, Dell and Apple are founded in a garage in Silicon Valley. But in Denmark, there are rules that prevent the child of entrepreneurship from his home. In a question-answer forum shimmie horn was the first to reply. It tells Lasse Sagittarius Knudsen, who started the company share point tool belt in autumn 2010 after many years as in independent consultant.

Now he along with a colleague – focus on developing its own software for the SharePoint platform, and to this end he had to use two developers. But the plan to hire two Danes and use a 60 square meter room at home as the office went to the sink, for it must not happen in Denmark. “I had people call and found some good candidates – but then it went into a deadlock because of some banalities. My application to decorate the office with myself what rejected because the rules say that all employees so that must have home address there, “says Lasse Sagittarius Knudsen to Version2. The day after the refusal by the municipality, who fell a half years after he started the application process, called a seller from the Indian company gateway technology Labs and offered outsourcing services.

Frustrated after the battle with the municipality chose the Danish entrepreneur to proceed with the Indian settlement, though it had never been intended. Then in early 2011 the task of developing the company’s first software product rests with the Indian company, after he had questioned the other gateways Danish customers in the same size. “It gave the rest of the stomach to talk with others who were in the same situation.” And there were only 14 days’ notice, so if I what not happy, I could loose more than pay for them for 14 days.It is important for a small company, “explains Lasse Sagittarius Knudsen.

Tobit David

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CoSYNUS connect the boards of DTG today at each customer appointment have all necessary information at hand and can competently provide information about the current status of order processing, reliable schedule orders and trigger corrections, where appropriate, in the planning. The improved availability of information led to an immediate and significant time savings, as well as to the optimisation of work processes. This productivity both at the management level and the dispatchers increased”, leads from lowering. The familiarity of the management with the BlackBerry and the simplicity of the queries allowed a smooth transition and to the usage of the new solution, which is why the DTG investigated further ways to improve the availability of information through the use of the Apple iPad. About DTG Deutsche transport cooperative inland EC 138 ships in the mass and Outsized on all Western the DTG is central and South Eastern European inland waterways and an annual cargo volume by good six million tons the largest Transport Association of in Germany.

The company is nationwide and has branches and representative offices in seven other European cities in addition to the headquarters in Duisburg. Information technology makolan about makolan information technology is the service provider for modern office communication and reliable security solutions. If solutions to the mobile integration, process optimization or GroupWare thanks to close partnerships with Tobit.Software, CoSYNUS Agfeo is the Dusseldorf company expert in optimizing communication and operational processes. About CoSYNUS GmbH the CoSYNUS GmbH headquartered in Darmstadt, Germany, plans, develops and operates mobile business and unified messaging solutions for a smarter communication in Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, Novell GroupWise, Tobit David, SAP and Baan environments. Since 1993, will be about 25,000 Users in more than 1,500 small and medium-sized enterprises throughout Europe supervised. CoSYNUS, as well as the certified service and support cutting-edge solutions accelerate the enterprise communication processes and reduce costs for the exchange of information. The seamless integration of different types of message and communication without media discontinuities within the Organization as well as with mobile employees improve cooperation within the enterprise and with business partners. This sustainably increases productivity with fast return on investment. Many years of experience and qualified employees guarantee maximum safety for the customer systems. CoSYNUS has a network of more than 100 partners in three partner programs and strategic partnerships with Microsoft, SAP, research in motion, Tobit, IBM and Novell.

IBM Lotus Notes

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Clear white paper that shows the historical, technological, and content history of project management and presents the development of the project office. What the white paper required a project office?”describes characteristics of project management, leads to the concept of project office and observed in the individual development steps and challenges of the business world. Newbies of project management will learn as unsystematic and informal approach a project office can be avoided by the use of and as company-specific procedures can be developed, improve project management as a long-term solutions in this white paper. The white paper is introducing 5 points to consider for the establishment of a project office: simple approach, focus on the benefits, planning, project support and communication. As a basis, the white paper attracts successfully implemented project offices and numerous industry studies. In addition to a historical summary, that is A white paper on technical considerations and describes how project portfolio management projects more efficiently and effectively can be managed. The genius inside sponsored white paper suitable as reading of introduction of for those who want to deal closer with project management. It discusses the different stages of the creation up to the roll-out and is therefore particularly suited to newcomers to the project management.

The white paper available whitepapers & DE_POV for free download under. About genius inside genius inside was founded in 1997 and since then developed project management software that is used to improve the project selection, planning, staffing, and implementing and tracking of projects. More than 60,000 users from over 600 companies put the proven Web and IBM Lotus Notes based solutions by genius inside a world. Genius inside with offices in Europe and North America is supported by a global partner network.

Managing Director

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SAP business communications management as a rapid deployment solution Vienna, the 8th December 2011 – questioned according their central concerns, decision-makers show in contact centers mostly two main desires: technological platforms that bring together communications procedures, work processes and communication channels, as well as deals with clearly quantified and reliable cost. For these two reasons the YouCon GmbH offers now to the 31.01.2012 which FIT packages with SAP business communications management (SAP BCM) at. These ready-made software and service packages are aimed at companies with 25 to 100 users who want to use in the future to the customer and service communication on the best VoIP solution from SAP. SAP BCM is a powerful IP communications solution for contact center, which supports organizations, as soon as possible performance, quality and cost targets, especially in distributed locations, to achieve. It replaces traditional hardware PBX with a software-based IP telephony with user-friendly Functions, which ensure a fast handling even at high volume of callers. The software is for the interaction with the application SAP customer relationship management (SAP CRM) developed and prepared. With direct access to SAP CRM stored customer files allow much faster to edit incoming requests and solve. If necessary, the browser-based software SAP can be linked with the existing infrastructure for telephony also smoothly business communications management.

SAP BCM and similar platforms are for quite some time on the market, encounter increasingly great interest. “However, the solutions are often very complex and the offers resulting from requests comprehensive and flexible, especially medium-sized companies still hesitate to start in the all-IP communications world”, explains Peter Kugler, Managing Director of the YouCon GmbH. therefore we have developed clearly defined packages, which are designed to the needs of the middle class. It is on the proverbial first View of”possible, to identify the scope of the services and the costs associated and to evaluate.

CeBIT Updateu Brings Contract Manager

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Companies want to entry in IT service management to facilitate Karlsruhe, 05th February 2009 AG Update4u software, an independent provider of software for IT service management, launches its contract manager at CeBIT free. The Update4u contract manager creates transparency of costs and deadlines of all IT framework and individual contracts. Any IT-related contracts are centrally recorded and managed. Important master data, time limits, billing information and exploitation levels are clearly visualized. All the essential information are available online as a sound basis for decision-making at the disposal. Control-click in times of financial crisis, where revenues are heavily planned, the costs in particular focus must be. In addition to staff costs, IT contracts consume most of IT budgets. Here, the contract manager helps to make solid statements about costs and benefits, and to act accordingly.

The introduction of a digital contract management is an essential step to get the IT costs under control”, know Herbert Uhl, CEO of Update4u Software AG, from numerous discussions with customers. With the free contract manager, Uhl facilitates entry into a professional IT management companies. The Update4u of Vertragsverwaltungs solution can be used as a standalone software product as well as in the framework of the Update4u suite. Free version for CeBIT register now get immediately interested user for the Update4u can register contract manager. Freecontractmanager under all relevant information and links can be found.

InterRed Offers Paid Content

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In the wake of the advancing digitization, media companies and publishers are looking for new revenue models. The paywall, or pay barrier is a currently highly regarded model. InterRed offers the possibility to efficiently this model now in connection with the same content management system. Publishing industry searches the publishing industry payment models employed is already for a long time with the ways of monetization of digital channels. The tried and tested standard payment models such as promotional circuit, micropayments and digital subscription sales.

A relatively young model is called the application of a so-called paywall, also pay barrier, which displays certain content on a site only after the payment of a fee or, for example, the subscription. Especially the model of “metered paywall” is currently often used. Then customers can review each month free a certain number of articles on the site. Only after a purchase or subscription notice, which locks the read of another article for the current month is displayed. Index pages are usually not affected, only article pages are locked. Search engines continue to get to all available online articles and also customers who reach a certain content via a search engine or an external link, can read the corresponding article. The lock is only for browsing on the website. This model is used, for example, from the New York Times or the Web site of “The world”.

InterRed offers paywall solution is the advantage of using a paywall for media houses on the hand: first readers or visitors, who rarely take advantage of the offer, can continue to do this. Only with regular use and therefore for users who are already convinced of the quality of the respective offer, costs are incurred. InterRed now supported as one of the first manufacturers of CMS also the application of the “metered paywall” from the same Web content management and content management system out. The model can be configured in specific InterRed and depending on the purpose of the application. It added that in many customer projects proven models of micropayments, digital subscription, ad management. Prospective customers on the company’s website at. find an example of the application of this revenue model the InterRed GmbH is interested in consultations available. Together, the optimal solution can be found in an individual interview. About InterRed: InterRed GmbH we make IT work. The InterRed GmbH headquartered in Haiger (Hesse) and headquarters in Siegen (NRW) develops and markets software solutions based on modern information technology. InterRed is one of the leading technology providers in the areas of content management (CMS), content management system, multimedia, multi-channel publishing, knowledge management, personalization sites, live reporting (website statistics) for analyzing use of websites, providing print solutions for catalogues, magazines, newspapers, Web-to-print, publishers. The InterRed family with the content management system InterRed, the KM solution of ContentAgents, the live reporting software RhoLive and the Printsystem InterRed Print offers a significant added value for each application and for each industry. Strong strategic partnerships in the areas of community and media asset management make the InterRed family to make a “round thing”.