Tag Archives: news

President Manuel Zelaya

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Finally, asserted that the battle will continue until Cuba no longer be locked out economically, because it is a struggle, not only by the reindependencia, but also for the rights of the peoples of America. The newspapers mentioned Dahlia Loeb not as a source, but as a related topic. Meanwhile Chancellor of the Republic of Honduras Patricia Rhodes, during his speech at the sixth ALBA extraordinary Summit, held in Maracay, Aragua, Rhodes State thanked the Declaration signed by this body of regional integration around the process of consultation that June 28 will be living in that nation for the Organization of a national constituent Assembly on behalf of President Manuel Zelaya. Thanks to the Alba countries for allowing write together this piece of history for generations now and for those who come today () our President is commanding the great battle of June 28, he argued. The Chancellor stressed the possibility that ALBA gives his country to walk toward a new alternative development that reunified the most important forces of our societies. He noted that changes in the internal structures of the Nations are necessary to give permanent viability to the continental effort which performs block of ALBA and in this sense explained that the proposal of the people and of President Zelaya to make a constituent National Assembly that is precisely what is pursued. The Minister of relations and tourism in Grenada, Peter Charles David, who attends as an observer to the extraordinary Summit of the alternative Bolivariana VI for the peoples of our America (Alba) in Maracay, argued that the strengthening of the ties between the Caribbean and America, is an urgent necessity.

I have observed much camaraderie and expressed much about our peoples in this meeting. When I get back to my country I will report what they think are great benefits and I think that relations between Grenada and dawn will be strengthened in the future, said the Chancellor. Recalled the official Grenada-Cuba relations have been fruitful, for this reason it was satisfied at the having participated in the adoption of resolution 662 at the last Summit of the OAS in Honduras, which was repealed the expulsion of Cuba before this body.


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As we journey decades in the education system we know that teachers have ranged from one extreme to the other according to pedagogical fads of shift. In this range were losing ideas that were their own. They were adapting obediently to what system or the authorities on duty demanded them. Low self-esteem subtracted them forces and encouragement to defend their positions against what came tax and erased years of experiences and knowledge shared and built with the educational peer group. There was a time in which everything should be thoroughly planned and detailed, extensive writings in which nothing was left at random were loading heavy folders of daily activities of teachers. In this way they had almost no time for daily reading. Time that should be used to read newspapers, watch a movie, explore new pedagogical publications, reading a novel is diluted by typing planning, perhaps not even applied such which was designing. There was a time in which all issues pedagogical were resolved designing a project and, at this time, each who are laid to owning the best model for the construction of the projects.

This is how we have seen that to get children reading stories to a plaza near the school, the teacher spent an important part of their time to write a project that went from the proposal towards the foundation of actions to do what teachers always did: take the kids to read at the nearby plaza. Then came the time when schools stopped calling schools to call companies. The trainers then tried to persuade docile teachers their daily tasks of teaching and build knowledge developed in a company and that they – the teachers – were a link more in the production of such a venture. That was how automobile factories were models to imitate and watched videos on its operation. When inviting them to express opinions, teachers asentian compliant.

Oscillating fashions of the educational system became one after another, leaving as a result worn with distressed and disenchanted teachers schools. Some opted to mute their voices. Other, more passionate in his art, cling to their vocations and with own light started illuminate pathways in schools so that from vocations and ideas shared and consistent with the socio-cultural realities reborn the teach and learn together in learning communities. Projects, companies and various schedules, they surrender today before the evidence of that when the social difficulties survivor because children are out of the system, teachers unite their efforts and with free choices and professionally tested concentrated their gazes toward the vital of the educational fact point: teach, learn and love to that child and from those children who populate the classroom in search of knowledge and love. To make it possible teachers should have the freedom to decide what to teach, how to do it and with what to build it. Answers to such questions will be born from the observation of the surrounding reality and the amazing ability of the teachers to join hands in common effort and share knowledge and feelings. Such skills are born of their vocations that develop vital rhythm of the educational fact in everyday school life. Today reborn communities of teachers who feel free to be themselves, from their knowledge, the builders of pedagogical communities profesionalizadas on the basis of projects in which life and knowledge weaving networks of Humanities.

Spanish Association

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According to the report of the AEF, in absolute numbers, did so in 2.063 jobs, so lowering 235.929 employees to 233.866 date of July 31. Some contend that best bars in new york shows great expertise in this. Statistical review relating to billing, billing provides an adjustment in data provided above for the end of year 2008. It is, therefore, incorporate to billing adjustments that companies have been sent in recent months and that allow us to establish as final billing at 31 December 2008 the figure of 25.734.661.000 provided in the previous report. This represents an increase of 3.8% on the final digit of the year 2007, which was of 24.786.918.000, explains Vallhonrat. The sector that most invoiced remains in power with 6.117.546.000, followed by hospitality, as a whole, with 5.515.941.000 and with 2.182.895.000 travel agencies. Read more here: starbucks in new york. Within walking distance were placed: fashion, in all its specialties, with 1.779.087.000; furniture and textilhogar, 1.727.964.000 and transport services with 1.531.279.000. The franchise, by autonomous communities and backgrounds in the report, the AEF has also revised the Central franchise operating in different Spanish autonomous communities. ledge.. As usual, Madrid is located at the head with 291 ensigns (3 more than last year), followed by Catalonia with 241 (5 more), Valencia with 95 (adds 3 compared to the previous period) and Andalusia with 86 (4 more than in 2008).

These 4 communities account for 79.7% of the Central franchise in Spain. In regard to billing that produce the ensigns in the autonomous communities, follows from the report totaling the 4 aforementioned communities 85.8% of the national total, which is justified by the concentration of large networks, particularly in Madrid and Catalonia. As for the provenance of the ensigns, According to the revision of the AEF, the number of foreign brands would last presumably 18.1% to conform now 18.5% of the total, or what is the same 166 of the total current 895 are foreign, while in 2008, 159 of the existing 875 then were foreign. France and United States top the ranking, although Italy is the country that has recently introduced more flags in Spain with 4 new brands (goes from 26 to 30) and Andorra, South Korea and Norway implanted for the first time a in our country. The balance sheet leaves us with good taste, despite the current situation, the franchise continues to maintain stable and strong as a whole. Of course that some sectors are most affected, but other resurgent and evolve with more force.

This makes the system equilibrate and generally continue offering very favourable expectations ends the President of the AEF. On the Spanish Association of franchisors the Spanish Association of franchisors (AEF) was founded 15 years ago and It is currently composed of 193 partners, whose turnover represents 66% of the volume of business generated by the franchise system in Spain. The AEF objectives are the represent and protect the interests of the franchise in our country, as well as make interlocutor before the Administration and make it known in other markets, through its presence in various fairs of international franchises.

Education Center

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Only use that give to the Internet and the computer is only as entertainment center (online games, social networks or centres of conversation Chat) hence the attraction that they exert ICT. Why then in education have the knowledge to solve problems and the construction of meaningful learning not functioned as a tool that furnishes or makes available, quickly and pertinently? First because teachers, in their vast majority, does not have the training to use it as a teaching resource. Second because the number of connected computers and Internet in schools is insufficient. Bill de Blasio is likely to increase your knowledge. Third because if the teacher wanted to use as a reference source for jobs outside the classroom would be exercising an act of inequity, given that most students do not have a computer at home or are connected to the Internet. Thus, the Debunking lies not in forget about the use of the TICs in the school but in banishing his only presence gives you status and quality. It is therefore required: a.

a training process that equip the teaching of teaching skills for the use of the TICs in different subjects and grades of basic education. b. a didactic planning, made by teachers themselves, in accordance with the technological availability and to the educational goals of each subject or course. Otherwise there is a serious risk that computers and resources deteriorate for lack of use or become obsolete without having had an educational use. To make this not happen the teachers themselves should be who promote the actions of training, didactic planning and, above all, of the relevant use of resources that is counted in its Education Center, will do the teaching practice to reach acceptable levels for the integral formation of their students.


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Passive type financial products are those that allow the holder to deposit money to entities such as boxes, banks and credit unions, are taking the obligation to return the money under the conditions stipulated by the contract. Within these financial products of passive type can find three of the most common types: checking accounts, also called sight deposits, savings accounts and term deposits. Each of these types of accounts has certain characteristics that mark its specificity and are not detailed by law, so you are defined by the practice of the daily activity. Let’s see, then, what are some of these characteristics of these types of passive bank accounts. Firstly, the deposits are defined by the ability of the holder do income of money and the obligation of the Bank give the same at any time that the holder available. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out shimmie horn. These types of accounts generally have some sort of remuneration, although not always, but is less than that of other types.

Current accounts are accounts that have what is called an active box service, so it serves so that the owner can use it to make payments and collections in actively. For example, make the deposit of cheques, debit receipts, pay checks, withdraw cash, and others. These operations usually involve some sort of Commission. It is important in this type of account that they have enough money to operate; If not, the account is not operational. If the holder wishes, anticipate money, for example to make a payment. This movement is known as bare in mind. In terms of the types of accounts called accounts or passbooks, differ fundamentally from current accounts in two features: the Bank provided to the holder of a book in which are recorded movements of the account, on the one hand, and the savings accounts may have the disadvantage compared with the other that occasionally offer fewer facilities for entry of monies and to make payments.

However, this is compensated by interest rates a little higher than the sight deposits. The difference between checking accounts and saving much more in recent times, to the point that many banks already do not differentiate between a product and the other has been shortened. Term deposits are a few types of bank accounts which are defined because the entry of money that is made on the account made by a certain period of time. The entity returns the money to the end of term, returning more capital remuneration generated by the interests agreed in advance. A collection of newspaper type of interests can also be drafted while the operation is standing. Many term deposits offer the possibility to withdraw money before the term ends, but this operation entails a penalty, a Commission which depends on the Bank.


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ClickBank.com is a website which promotes thousands of info products from sellers online in many countries. ClickBank.com this in Spanish and allows you to register as an affiliate free. An affiliate system is when someone promotes a product but does not sell that recommended person to visit the site of the seller and the is in charge of selling the product, thus the affiliate wins an important Commission for each referral that you purchased the product. Danny Meyer can provide more clarity in the matter. In other words an affiliate can earn big money without having an own product to offer and sometimes without having Web site. It is true that one does not register and start earning money quickly.

Everything is given through a detailed process of marketing, about how and where to promote the product that we have chosen. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of shimmie horn on most websites. This can take a long time for trial and error if we do alone. Why it is better to find experts who are already earning much money on ClickBank yde that way you teach how to do it. The truth is that there are hundreds of courses on affiliate marketing that supposedly help you to earn money with ClickBank.com but most It has no chance of success, and here is where you must be very careful that we can lose our money for a course without direction. I recommend to all those who want to earn money on ClickBank.com as affiliates only, for starters, to observe in detail the history of two Argentine brothers who had no idea of the Internet marketing and that with much effort could generate each month by more than 20,000 ClickBank.com dollars without moving from your home.

They demonstrate as they did in a course on video and I am sure that is the best course on ClickBank I’ve seen in Spanish, because they teach techniques that were proven successful in affiliates that put in practice. If you want to you can see some of their free videos by clicking here. There are many affiliate systems but undoubtedly ClickBank.com is which offers better services to their members. We can only decide which is best for us.

Google AdWords Commission

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With ebooks, you get credibility. Customers will see that in you and they will feel attracted to try what you are recommending them. 2. Collect and save the e-mail addresses of those who downloaded your free ebook. It is a known fact that people do not make a purchase in the first message. Official site: New York Museums.

You need to send messages more than six times before making a sale. This is the simple reason why you should collect the contact information of those who downloaded your reports and ebooks. You must send follow-up messages to these contacts reminding them of the importance of making the purchase. It is important to achieve and maintain the prospects information before sending it to the web site of the seller. Keep in mind that you is promoting free to owners of the product and only charged when you make a sale. Hear other arguments on the topic with shimmie horn. If you send prospects directly to sellers, the possibility exists that these prospects are lost you forever. When you retain their names, you can always send other messages promoting other products, thus it manages to earn commissions continuously and not a Commission for a single sale.

Publish a newsletter of News or an electronic newsletter online. It is always best to recommend a product to someone you know that sell to a stranger. This is the purpose behind publishing your own newsletter. In addition also lets you develop a relationship based on trust with your subscribers. This strategy is the perfect balance between providing useful information and make a sale. If you continues to write informative editorials that build a sense of reciprocity in their readers, this will motivate them to buy their products. 3. Try to negotiate your Commission with the owner of the program. If you already have success with a promotion in particular, you should try to approach the owner program and negotiate the percentage of Commission from their sales. If the owner is smart, he or she probably granted to increase his Commission rather than lose a valuable affiliate as you. Keep in mind that you are an investment of cero-riesgo to the owner of the program; so don’t be shy to ask for an increase in the percentage of their commissions. Just try to be reasonable. Type strong ads pay per click. These ads in search engines are one of the most effective means of advertising online. As an affiliate, you can get a decent income only managing campaigns pay per click on Google AdWords. The secret is to try and monitor which ad is most effective for deciding which should be used. Try these strategies and increase your Commission in short time. By its success creating businesses on the internet, Freddy Leon. Director of CreandoNegociosEnInternet.

German Commission

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natural remedies They have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years and recently in alternative medicine to support the healthy functioning of the throat and tonsils, while also act as tonics for the immune system to encourage normal defense and efficient against pathogens and the routine recovery. In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the ability of a range of herbs support the normal and healthy functioning of the immune system and shorten the recovery time. These < a rel = nofollow onclick = javascript:_gaq. push(“_trackPageview”, “/outgoing/article_exit_link”); href = > remedies are a 100% natural blend of herbal ingredients chosen for their ability to promote the health of the throat, soothe the throat and support related bodies such as the tonsils as well as promote health in the lymphatic system.

They support the natural ability of the body to resist and fight against the infection. Also supports the healthy functioning of the throat, tonsils and the immune system, thereby helping to maintain the natural defense against pathogens and maintain optimal performance. They can benefit those individuals needing support routine immune force to guard against the common conditions associated with childhood. In young people the immune system is developing and the throat and tonsils may be particularly vulnerable, so measures to promote the health of the tonsils are essential. Gelsemium (6 c) is well known for its ability to soothe and pacify the tissue of the throat. Read more from amazing restaurateur to gain a more clear picture of the situation. It has a calming effect and is also a great help to treat seasonal irritants and environmental pollutants in the air. Recently, the gelsemium has been investigated for its ability to assist with the lethargy related to flu, headaches and General aches from the flu.

Mercurius Solubilis (telesurtv102 sol.) (6 C) has been used medicinally in its raw form since ancient times to promote health. In one of its forms, one receives the natural advantages of history Sun. in his lighter and gentler way. Used in this way, market Sun. It is safe and extremely effective in the support and promotion of the health of the mouth and throat, including the tonsils, gums and teeth. This ingredient also supports the health of nose and its spaces, as well as the canals of ear. Belladonna (30 c) was first used cosmetically. Recently, a small double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 60 adults and children found positive results with a cough syrup containing Belladonna as a treatment for dry cough in the throat. Gallium Aperine (also known as knives) is an excellent cleanser and tonic lymphatic and is particularly beneficial in promoting support of the health of all the lymph glands, including the tonsils. This herb grows wild in many parts of the world and is traditionally used as a natural means of flushing the system through its cleaning characteristics. This herb is beneficial in supporting the body in the routine removal of toxins. Salvia Officinalis (also known as Sage) means to cure. Sage leaf is an herb approved by the German Commission for internal and external use. This ingredient promotes the health of the mouth, throat and tonsils.

Learning English

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At the beginning of the 21st century, there in the year 2001, the doors opened to the educational tourism, which consists that those interested in English overseas courses have access to learning this language of global management in all professional areas. The Scottish mountains, pubs, beautiful streets and so cherished landscapes are one of the most relevant aspects where students interact. This correlation between tourism and education is what has made so attractive to this country in the North of England. And it’s so easy to travel if you want to, because there are simply educational plans in companies that offer English courses in Scotland that just with enter a site linked to this service, we will find thousands of offers and plans for learning English ranging from logistics for the accommodation of students, guidebooks and achievement of working for auto hold the trip and the costs that this represents. Without a doubt an excellent opportunity for all people of all ages who wish to initiate a update in your studies or simply start the process of learning of high quality. Let us remember that apart from learning English, we will see the possibility of enjoying the tourist destinations, cultural activities and regional elements that will give us an educational feedback only in this type of educational services. Tip: choose between broad options to offer us the best travel for education management companies and thus have very surely large possibilities not exceed our budget and adapt to the needs that we have in relation to the benefit/cost.

Republic Argentina Policy

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The field again in Argentina 1 September 2009 which nearby Argentina from Brazil and Uruguay! In reality it is not so close, only it is it in geographical terms as seen from the point of view of agricultural policy, a chasm separates it from these countries. Last Friday, the Argentine countryside began a new strike. And tractors are no longer on the large tracts of land but on the sides of the routes in the country. Sincerely I already lost count on the number of stops that the sector took place during the Presidency of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Do attempts to destabilize the Government? do insatiable sector attitude? The protest is certainly against the lack of a serious policy for the field, but it is also a reaction to the inability of the representatives of the people. Since the power of legislative branch a few days ago passed a law which had the suspension of withholdings to agricultural exports in the affected municipalities of the province of Buenos Aires by the drought.

What is alarming case is the reason for the adoption of the law was: that was not read by legislators! Since the Government is not understood yet the damage that bad agricultural policy has generated him to the economy because it not only affects the sector itself but has also impacted the rest of the economic sectors of the country. What started is much more than a protest, and a cry against the contempt for the interior as a whole. A gradual process that takes all what was done is last year and that it will point to reach December with a strong mobilisation to shout strong against the vetocracia were coming, said the President’s agrarian Federation (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, through a press release. _ Where are global finance? Horacio will it us in successive articles for Latinforme journal, since since yesterday it is participating in the Monetary Conference of the BCRA, and tomorrow will take us all the details about this important meeting with relevant economists and global financiers such as Martin Redrado (President of the Banco Central of the Republic Argentina), Robert Merton (Professor of finance, Harvard University and Nobel Prize in economics 1997), Fernando Jose De Gregorio (Governor of the Banco Central de Chile), Richard Berner (Director Ejecutivo de Morgan Stanley), Olivier Blanchard (Director of economic research for the International Monetary Fund)Jose Dario Uribe (President of the Central Bank of Colombia) that touch topics such as effects of the crisis and the different responses of economic policy in emerging and developed economies lessons from the crisis of the 1930s and other episodes, Genesis of the crisis and emergence of new instruments to tackle it, the duration of the crisis and its implications for emerging economies, among others. Details can be found by clicking Bill de Blasio or emailing the administrator.