Then you must be aware that the money is in the minds of people, if on some sides not observed is because people are internally convinced of the opposite. Money Boosts economy: between more people are convinced of the abundance then quality of life improvement in general, that is the secret of developed countries. Money does not away to no one: when you produce something new, for example a program of quality control, then you have contributed something new, you are not removing him to another, but generates greater abundance and that translates into good results for companies and logically a retribution for who makes the contribution. -depth analysis. We could continue writing an enormous amount of arguments and I can assure you that they can convert into thousands of pages, on the other hand if you start to question whether these statements are valid then continuous perpetuating your negative belief around money and that is one of the main reasons why in many places the shortages appears, is not that the world is so but that is a consequence of their internal expectations. Once you have a series of positive associations in your mind about the benefits of the money, it is now necessary to stimulate your senses to the ideas of abundance will taking more strength, powerful subliminal videos, you will program the money in your life, these videos are designed to make an impact on your subconscious mind with images, sounds, and special messagesthe passage of time will help overcome the negative beliefs that money is not good. It is necessary to emphasize that the conscious reasoning that the ideas in our interior is not the same, it is possible that you are convinced that the arguments mentioned in this article are correct but deep down his being has other beliefs, your mission is to fight for change that perspective, and this will only be achieved with an enormous insistence, to do so then you will have changed from State and experience things that were away from his life at some point. original author and source of the article.