Daily Archives: December 2, 2015

National Center

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He bend all the joints, including the smallest fingers. Perfectly preserved teeth, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows. Invited to the identification of who had seen Lama until 1927 Bimba Tsybikova, born in 1910, candidate of historical sciences. According to him, Hambo Lama was small and very thin, and has now become even smaller. But he immediately recognized the features Itigelova – they have not changed. Of an "act of external examination of the exhumed corpse", signed September 11 by three leading National Center forensic experts, "Any foreign aromatic, resinous or putrid odor from the contents of the box and the corpse is not defined … Soft tissue elastic body tightly consistency, joint mobility is preserved.

Hairs on the head, the nail plate saved. Corpse pose when removing the last remains of the box without any support and fixing devices. Any traces showing the previously produced by the opening of body cavities for the possible balzamatsii or conservation, as well as any damage, marks earlier trauma, operative interventions, diseases of the body of a corpse is not found. " Incorrupt body was transported to Itigelova Ivolginsky Datsan – the main Buddhist temple in Russia. Grand Master returned and is now the object of worship for Buddhists Buryatia, Russia and the world. Central Spiritual Board of Russia Sangha decided to create the conditions for the further preservation of the precious relics, since according to Gelek-Balbar Lama, "the worship of the body can be a yogi bring great benefit to all believers.

" For Lama built the sarcophagus of the glass, which protects from dust Itigelova, and not on time. The monks say that sometimes it fog up the inside. Glass sarcophagus placed on second floor Ivolginsk Datsan. History Museum of Buryatia Hambo Lama returned clothes. Teachers almost always about is his main caretaker Bimbo Lama, very friendly, but not particularly talkative person who claims that only after his departure to another world will be to publish his "revelations." After some time he changed his clothes and wipe with a towel, and it claims to this period are the joints more mobile.