Monthly Archives: January 2015

Latin America

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On the one hand serve these mitigation measures, on the other hand appeal to the sense of community and create a sense of togetherness. The loans usually have a height of approx. 50 EUR for a term of one year and interest rates between 10% and 36%, depending on the location and circumstances. in 2006 the hunger project Malawi noted that most credit programs are HIV-positive people, because they are considered risk group. Therefore, a pilot project was created, which fills this gap. A study showed a repayment rate of 89,23% in December 2008. 10.77% of the loans could not be repaid due to deaths. Under these assumptions, the hunger project Malawi developed a permanent process for lending to HIV-positive individuals, which includes the elements of AIDS education and prevention, treatment and reduction of stigma and discrimination.

This permanent procedure began on the World AIDS Day 2008 and was presented within the framework of VCT (voluntary counseling and testing) services. Total have so far 924.200 people on AIDS awareness raising of the hunger Project participated. Elizabeth Kalimbuka is a middle-aged widow. She is HIV-positive. in 2005 she joined the epicenter Nchalo.

She established a trade with cows with the help of the micro credit initiative of the hunger project and expanded just a few months later, by she make bricks, and burn in a furnace, she had bought themselves earned money. You supported the entire family today in maintenance and training and is a very respected member of the community despite its doubly bad starting position as a widow and AIDS sufferers. Elizabeth is involved today in the hunger project at the AIDS education. There is more information under: company description the hunger project is a global non-governmental organisation (NGO), jointly committed since 1977 with a total of 350 employees and around 362.000 volunteers for sustainable overcoming of chronic hunger in 13 countries in Africa, South Asia and Latin America (currently in Ethiopia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal and Uganda; in India and Bangladesh. in Mexico, Bolivia and Peru). The international headquarters is in New York. In Germany, the hunger project works since 1982 as a recognized non-profit association with about 50 volunteers active and six part-timers. Other partner countries are: Australia, Belgium, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Netherlands, Sweden, and the Switzerland. The hunger project focuses on three guiding principles: mobilization to the self-responsibility, equality between women and men, as well as strengthening of local democracy. All strategies and initiatives are designed to support the eight UN Millennium development goals.

New York Stock Exchange

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