Monthly Archives: July 2017

North America

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It enjoys of an irresistible power, one ' ' great prestgiodentro of the seita. Either for its ideas or the work ' ' dedicado' ' in the protection to all; aluso to ' ' primitive father of horda' '. In this case the leadership of L would be of the acquired and purely artificial type. It would incapacitate what it of the question of leadership of the personal type, it would be the fact not to have been corrupted for the important losses for which the original seita passed in year 1977. In this occasion the prophecy of Branham was not marked, therefore the world did not finish. What if it could wait would be the consequent esvaziamento of the doctrine in same it; what it occurred in the North America. However L innovated, it patched the doctrine and it revigorated presenting it proper it, and alone it, as the basic guide, the alive voice of the seventh angel.

The way them individuals to be dragged for the group also characterizes a device. It follows the beginning of ' ' direct induction of emoo' '. It seems that the probable way is ' ' I infect emocional' ' , the load that if intensifies for mutual interaction, feeding the necessity to be well with the majority. From there the sprouting of the fear is justified, of ' ' distrust of the danger of oposio' ' , very clearly in the rejection to the ones of it are of the seita, to not the fidiciary offices, impure as it affirms L, and even though to its next relatives. He would be then ' ' removal of inibies' '? Something visible in the assented isolation it group in such a way in the old and precarious urban headquarters as in the provincial small farm. ' ' sugesto' ' it would be present in the unquestioned acceptance of the pregaes of L? It is possible, since the doctrine follows exactly firm without the fulfilment of no apocalyptic prophecy.

SCHEMA Packaging

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For creating their drug information and the packaging, the Weleda AG uses Gmund Schwabisch since recently the XML – editorial and content management system by SCHEMA. Nuremberg. The tasks involved are mapped to SCHEMA ST4, ranging from the capture of the texts to the layout generation in Adobe InDesign. Workflows, in particular the approval process control system is based. Role-based permissions making sure that tasks are assigned to the respective reviewers team. SCHEMA ST4 is also a central data store be kept above all packaging materials texts, graphics, bar codes and layouts for medicines.

The Weleda AG is one of the leading manufacturers of medicinal products of complementary medicine and holistic body care products. In establishing its drug information, respects the highest care company, these must be created but according to the legal requirements such as the German medicines Act and directives. Schema ST4 it is now possible, the processes Pack means creating or its amendments comprehensively depicted, right to document the appropriate testing and approval steps and centrally in a database to save all the information to the pharmaceutical products and packaging. The entire process for creating the drug information is in SCHEMA ST4 initiated and controlled, starting with the capture of the text about the editorial revise and content sharing up to the layout creation of packaging materials as well as the testing and release of the print template. The templates and print templates of packaging materials for different dosage forms, strengths and package sizes of medicines are created with the Adobe InDesign layout program and managed in SCHEMA ST4. Furthermore, filling “the print templates with content and texts SCHEMA ST4 controlled by. Pitfalls can be avoided thereby, eliminating the previous manual incorporating of the texts. Directly from system can online now shared print templates for labels printed in the Assembly be. Already with the standard solution SCHEMA ST4 we saw a part of our requirements for the creation of packaging materials and medicinal information covered”, says Anja Valais, project manager at the Weleda AG.

Alfred Krandick

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The journalist and his photographer were with the band about the times square and the editor showed himself surprised, that the whole world famous band you nothing about times square could run anything, so me, quietly to attract. “This is just so in New York,” Rudolf said Schenker, “there it is nothing special, if musicians across the street.” At the moment came the first autograph hunters. Then the second. Then, fans wanted a photo. Conclusion: It took five minutes for the words of the magazine journalists and there was traffic chaos in times square. And “Der SPIEGEL” wrote: “many may not believe it in Germany or better: haven’t the Scorpions in Hanover, founded in 1965 as a student band, the rest of the world are still a large number.” Really great even: In the last year alone they gave almost 70 concerts in 27 countries, and not in front of a few hundred die-hard fans, but before a total of around one million viewers.” Year 2009 did Rudolf Schenker and Klaus again my created the musical and lyrical basis for an album.

It was recorded in his own Scorpions Studio in Schwarmstedt in Hannover and in Stockholm, where the two producer Mikael Nord Andersson and Martin Hansen at home. Matthias JABs: “a very experienced team, excellent to added. Smart people are extremely musical, and we had so much fun, as in the cooperation with them long in a production. They shared the work, Mikael was more responsible for the guitar sounds Martin more on the vocals.” Using new techniques, such as Skype conferences and Twitter messages, was also on the way the contact maintained. Bass player Pawel Maciwoda: “I hung a last for half a year with the guys around, it’s my third album with the Scorpions and also for me, that was a huge opportunity and a wonderful fun.” “Sting In The Tail” has become perhaps the most characteristic of the Scorpions album.

Perhaps the most beautiful. Definitely the most authentic. The maelstrom of drugs, sex and narcissism, which a while attached to the rock, washed the models in the fashion business or the it girls of this world now and gone somewhere. Rock is an adult now, seriously to taking. The people, the fans are crucial for the functioning of this construct. Without boundaries of class, gender or age. And this authenticity of of based on is reflected in the songs of “Sting In The Tail”: by the title song about source: Columbia / Sony music / rock pop music other artists- and CD info and tour dates in our portals music portal with Web radio; Rock – pop – RnB – the best rock & pop dance music mix on the net! Contact: powered by radio VHR rock pop music – online music magazine with Web radio Alfred Krandick in the Keckenwiesen 6 71554 Weissach Valley 07191 3677344 press contact: radio VHR – broadcasting and advertising Alfred Krandick in the Keckenwiesen 6 71554 Weissach Valley 07191-3677344

Dubai Shopping Festival 2009

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or the transformation of Dubai \”DO BUY\” it is happening again: since demm January 15, 2009 to February 15, 2009 the bargain hunters have worldwide again only one goal: Dubai. The largest and most popular event attracts tourists since 1996. The nickname \”DO BUY\” comes not from about. The metropolis is a consumer paradise, but in this weeks draw all shopping malls with unbeatable discounts of up to 80 percent. The official motto of the Festival is \”One World, one family, one Festival\”-here comes everyone at his own expense. Befitting opens the Festival with a spectacular fireworks and a laser show. The following framework programme more complex than ever: international theatre performances, film festivals, music concerts, exclusive fashion shows and gastronomic events will take place. The daily Raffles with amazing profits like for example luxury cars, gold bars, jewelry, designer clothing, and high cash prizes are legendary.

Despite enormous onslaught, some 3.5 million visitors are expected, has nobody lost in the crowd or standing in line. Dubai offers more than forty gigantic shopping malls, pleasantly air-conditioned and almost open around the clock. The latest is called Dubai Mall with approximately 1,200 stores, which opened in early November 2008. But shopping in Dubai is more than just a banal action – this is about a lifestyle experience. Along international boutiques, artfully crafted passages lead to countless restaurant and Cafes that take guests on a culinary world tour.

Innovative edutainment offers children amusement park like KidZania on 7,500 square meters, SEGA Republic is a 7,000-acre theme park. You can experience winter in the desert on the indoor ice rink to the skating or ski Dubai. Worldwide you can admire one of the largest aquariums in shopping and letting the day in the cinema sound out. But also the souks, the traditional Arab markets still exist, although there are many no longer.