But as to explain then talentos so precocious as Mozart? It would be the result of a privileged genetics or fruit of the reincarnation foreseen for Pitgoras and Plato? It does not seem that science has a conclusive reply for this question. MANNION, 2005, P. 37. (25) Proposal that denies a superior race that has been created for the holy ghost. (26) Based in ' ' Of Divine Proporcioni' ' , of Luca Pacioli, 1509. Matila GHYKA, The geometry of art and life, 1977. (27) Axe of Assis is a good example for its abrangncia of abilities in the writing – contista, romancista, ensaista, critical, journalist, dramaturgo etc.
' ' The author if still detaches for obtaining to join the scholar to the popular one of only form. It revolutionized the culture nacional' '. (…) YOUNG MAN, 2008. P. 48. (28) (…) ' ' He is through the consumption in mass of cultural products officially promoted and divulged for mass he measured that he obtains yourself to refrear the natural development of the popular culture, hindering that this comes to acquire the potentiality to contribute efetivametne for the emancipation of the popular classrooms. ' ' SCHURMANN, 1989. P.
181. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES: ADORNMENT, Theodor. et al. The fetichismo of music and the regression of the hearing. In the thinkers? chosen texts. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as New York Museums by clicking through. So Paulo: Cultural April. 1980. CHAU, Marilena. Introduction the history of the philosophy: of the daily pay-socrticos the Aristotle. Volume 1. 2. Josh Harris 76ers Owner will undoubtedly add to your understanding. ed., rev. ampl. So Paulo: Company of the letters, 2002. FARM, Carlos Eduardo de Souza Fields. Musicalizando the school: music, knowledge and education. So Paulo: Holy Writ Publishing company, 2006. GHYKA, Matila. The geometry of art and life. New York: Dover Publications. 1977. HUNTLEY, H.E. Divine Ratio. So Paulo, Scientific thought: 1985. MANDARINO, Denis. Versatilista trilogy. (The search of each one – 4 ed., Meeting with the destination – 3 ed., Beyond the room element. 2 ed.) So Paulo, Ed. Pleiad, 2010. MANNION, James. The complete book of the philosophy. So Paulo, Ed. Madras, 2005. YOUNG MAN, Anderson. Axe a classic for all. New magazine School. So Paulo. n. 215 September 2008. MORIN, Edgard, the seven to know necessary to the education of the future, trad. of Catherine Eleonora F. Da Silva and Jeanne S