Balancan, Tabasco to 04 of April 2009. CABINET CHANGES IN THE BALANCE Juan Carlos Ruiz jimenez correspondent Balancan The Directorate of Finance and Public Safety are replaced with new directors as the secretary of the municipality. From this I On April Ercole changes were made to the constitutional council cabinet Balancan because some officials submitted his irrevocable resignation as is the case with the City Secretary and the Finance Division, who joined in partisan work, while replaced the director of public safety to improve efficiency of work in this area. Beginning at 9 am began the delivery of inventory and documentation in the town hall secretary who left the MVZ.Hector Manuel Diaz Vazquez and Chain received the architect Abelardo Leon, who served as coordinator of the branch 33, of this city comptroller testified Ferral Anselmo Lopez who gave pre-delivery receipt in this office pursuant to Article 27 of the Municipal Act, section IV and in ensuring compliance with it. Then Diaz Vazquez Leon Cadena presented in their respective offices responsible for coordinating each placed under his direction, began in the coordination of social communication by Yesenia Montes de Oca, then the local board with the holder Recruitment Isaiah Burel, coordinate regulation with Nahuatl Guadalupe Avendano, Pedro Munoz also presented to House Civil protection holder, a Salud Ovando responsible for federal programs and finally to coordinate with Peter Montuy Nahuat delegates. And then acting as secretary Abelardo Leon Cadena company comptroller and mayor’s instructions Abreu Arturo Ruiz, went to the Finance Division to give possession to Mr. Luis Alfredo Mendez Suarez as the new Director Anselmo while Ferral explained the procedures and time of receipt to the counter clear Arguello Pedro Hernandez that the fact of being outside the administration not exempt from the obligation to clarify any issues that may arise in the review process. To conclude the formal appointment was given to the lawyer Boris Manuel Garrido Castillejos as Director of Public Safety to replace the retired Lieutenant Manuel Esteban Juarez who thanked the first ruler of the opportunity extended to him during his time in this position, also the comptroller these are municipal official handover cordial whenever officials have left office for political and personal projects and changes so successful that the mayor appointed Arturo Abreu reaffirm the course of 2007-2009 and speaks administration’s commitment to continue serving the people of balance.