According to divulged data of the Central banking in 06 of July, the deposits had added R$ 82,622 billion, before withdrawals of R$ 80,533 billion, what it resulted in a balance of R$ 2,089 billion. In May, the captation had been of R$ 1,88 billion and, in June of 2008, R$ 1,529 billion. The total in the last month is the greater since December of 2008, when the deposits had surpassed the booties in R$ 5,387 billion. It was the third time in the year where it has register of positive liquid captation. In February, the liquid captation had been of R$ 751,395 million and in May, of R$ 1,880 billion. In the January months (R$ 486,630 million), March (R$ 846,803 million) and April (R$ 941,549 million) the liquid captation was negative. In the passed month, the deposits had added R$ 82,622 billion and withdrawals R$ 80,533 billion. In June, the balance of the saving arrived the R$ 282,189 billion.
The report of the Central banking has for base given of the Brazilian System of Saving Loan (SBPE), that it destines resources to the real estate sector, and of the agricultural saving. Although the strong impulse in June, the captation accumulated in the first semester the same fell 35% in the comparison with period of 2008. In the first half of the 2008, balance it was of R$ 2,6 billion while in the first half of 2009 it reached R$ 1,7 billion. Concern of the GovernoDesde January, when the BC gave beginning to the process of reduction of the Selic tax, started to be argued in the government the impact that this fall of the interests would have on the investment funds. Good part of the patrimony of these deep ones, especially of fixed income and DI, is applied in public headings, that lose yield to each cut of the Selic.