From idea to business plan clearly defined once the opportunity and the entrepreneurial vision, the part time next most important step management jobs is the construction of the Business Plan, which is a working document includes on the one hand, a market research, industry and competition, and on the other, the guide to make inroads in business with a product / service, and a set of objectives to be achieved by the team in definite time stage. So it can be consultants demonstrated the attractiveness of the business and thus convince potential allies (potential partners, suppliers, customers, etc.), to participate in the initiative. History. Being entrepreneurs and choice of life agencies In 2005, Jorge Morales decided to begin his own company, agency Mecanica Facil SA, a company dedicated to car repairs to home. To ensure the operation thirty millions of dollars needed to purchase equipment, more funds for personal expenses and recruitment. One brother spent ten million. Then George went to the office of an institution aimed at supporting entrepreneurs are seeking help. He was asked if he had a business staff plan. Jorge said, sales jobs “one that” did not even know what a business plan. A consultant from that office will help prepare the job search plan. Asked him to draft a very specific objective of the purpose of the new company, as well as a summary of the required investment and a forecast of revenues and costs of operation of the company. After three business financing institutions will reject your application, Jorge review its business plan and finally got to the fourth investor interest in its initiative.
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