Specialists of the Valencian infertility Institute (IVI) advise all women younger than 38 years with work projection and the idea of forming a family in the future to preserve their fertility through the vitrification of eggs to prevent sterility problems. The Plan of preservation of fertility clinics IVI, put into operation for three years, allows women in reproductive age to postpone motherhood through the vitrification of eggs, a simple process that involves freezing the female gametes to – 196 degrees. The vitrification of eggs method enables you to retain all the fertility of young eggs so that the patient can decide the moment of forming a family without being too late. Indeed, the IVI specialists emphasize that after the devitrification, eggs continue to have the same quality as before freezing them, since it is a technique that guarantees the survival of 97% of the gametes. Dr. Antonio Requena, medical director of the IVI group, explains that the profile of the future mother responds to a woman aged between 35 and 45, with University studies and work involvement, with or without partner and that thought about postponing her motherhood. In this sense, the expert encourages all women younger than 38 years with work projection and the idea of forming a family in the future, to preserve their fertility before and thus prevent sterility problems. The same expert highlights that less than two decades ago it was strange that a couple arrived at age 30 without having had offspring, but today, are increasingly young women who decide to delay motherhood for balancing work and family, without taking into account the ability to conceive decreases as the years pass.
According to a study of IVI, the economic independence of women has meant significant increase in unmarried mothers. Requena indicates that, in 2008, were 481 inseminations with donor sperm against the 128 who practiced four years earlier, in women without a partner. The expert explained that you part of this explanation lies in the incorporation of women to the labour world in the mid-1980s. In five years were already one million women who played a professional activity and ten years later the figure amounted to four billion. Today are 10.035.200, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE). The medical director of the IVI indicates that the vitrification of eggs is a technique which means a step more in family planning since it contributes to the woman to decide when it is the best time to be a mother. Addition, it should be noted that, at present, this technique has already enabled that over 200 patients at reproductive age, which has been diagnosed cancer, have been able to preserve their gametes for free at any of the IVI centres, before undergoing a treatment of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. Original author and source of the article.