“Connectivity GmbH has new version ConAktiv 9.0 under the motto ConAktiv goes colors” hosted the connectivity GmbH, manufacturer of the business solution ConAktiv, their year’s customer event. Customers from all over Germany took part in the event in Mannheim. In the focus of the event was the new ConAktiv version 9.0. lecture focused on including the new interface and the new database engine. The customers were very satisfied after the event and praised the good vibes: the participation has been fun for me, it was very informative and I can bring something new and have fun with the browser worked and decided, with the implementation of the new version trusted globally this all colleagues to make. “, so Mrs Legde, Germanischer Lloyd SE from Hamburg. “Mr Heilemann also, additive GmbH Managing Director was thrilled by the event: thank you again for the great customer day, where I could make contacts and learned of course much good and new.” Mr Markus Waldorf, Managing Director of connectivity GmbH drew the following conclusion: I am delighted by the successful event. Especially the personal exchange of experience and thoughts with other ConAktiv users and the staff at Connectivty contributed to this. The positive resonance shows us, that we are with our software ConAktiv on the right path.”
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