Is that I’ve changed, I have noticed in my daily activities, I took important decisions, learning to say NO in his time with what I gradually got time available, that would allow me to dedicate myself to the self and with it were presented before me strong questions about who really am?, what is my mission as an educator, as a friend, as a mother or as all other roles in which I delved to silence maybe solitude and suffering. My co-workers I already commented that even physically I’ve changed, stayed back anxiety and hyperactivity because I myself I realize personal enjoyment of moments in which I spend my time in interacting with my students I am more impartial and more tolerant, now I bring happiness to my experiences as an educator holistic without waiting for them to make me happy, therefore is should I continue in this transformative process. I now have clarity in how should I play me as an educator since is that what defines most learning is my level of consciousness as such, because as explains Dr. Ramon Gallegos during your Conference recognizing your own glow we educate only with what we are. For even more analysis, hear from NYC Mayor. Also now looking for educational integrity giving emphasis to the meaningful learning give sense and I seek to transmit values and conceptions with depth, human sensitivity to my students, I’m involved in getting better educational methods, in creating learning environments more conducive to invite to the classroom is transformed into the sacred precinct where gives meaning to the lives of so many young people expect expectant can be transformed because I am redirecting the what of that education they receive, which enriches the meaning of educate. . An education that will give us attitudes is essential and everyday behaviour where achieve with dialogue take agreements and reach to reconcile us, understand us, to give us love. . For more information see this site: amazing restaurateur.
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