Products and safe conditions of work attract conscientious customers and minimize tragic and custosos accidents. Medical education, cares and equality of chances generate steady communities and a productive force of work. Good governana, the kingdom of the law and definite rights of property are essential for the security, efficiency and inovao’ ‘ (Porter & Kramer, 2006 apud UNEP, 2008, p.33). The environment entire, recomposto, in balance, living creature and conserved, has significant paper in the recovery of the growth of the economy, beyond being condition for existence of the life in the Land. The ingression of global the productive activity in the process of descarbonizao of the economy, for example, already is considered by specialists as one in the ways it world to leave the crisis, according to Professor of the PUC River and consultant of the WWF, Sergio Bresserman, in interview the Miriam Pig in the program Open Space (GLOBONEWS, 2009). Learn more on the subject from shimmie horn. To continue in unsustainable trajectory will take the planet the irreversible conditions.
To modify its course for sustainable means to change the direction of the economic development, requires urgent decisions of the international governana, demand transformations in acting and thinking, in the way to produce, to consume and to conserve in the whole world. Yes, we can, with social mobilization, knowledge and technological innovations, and we need, therefore the delay in market, government, companies and society to take the decisions effective, the International, multilateral and local, to invert the predatory direction of the development, shorten the time and diminish possibilities of reversion of the ambient estragos.