Self-regulatory organization of management companies. 6. Self-regulatory organization of appraisers. This type of AMC – an organization established to conditions of membership of appraisers for the control and regulation of assessment activities. Such organizations also are non-profit and incorporated into the State Register of SROs.
7. Self-regulatory organization of professional securities market participants. This type of CPO implies union of securities market participants on a voluntary basis, which function, guided by the principles of non-profit organizations. The aim activities of this organization is the establishment and observance of certain rules and standards in the conduct of operations relating to the securities, establishment and maintenance of conditions of the securities market participants securities, protection and strict observance of the interests of holders of securities and other securities market participants, adherence to ethical principles in the securities market, conducive to effective work in the securities market securities. 8. Auditing self-regulatory organization (SRO auditors) – an organization established to provide activities for the implementation of auditing, also on the conditions of membership of its members. Licenses for the right to conduct audit activities, the issuance of which was within the competence of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, valid until January 1, 2010.
Further, we assume a complete transition to self-audit activities from licensing. 9. Advertising self-regulatory organizations (SROs in advertising). 10. Self-regulatory organization of collectors. 11. Self-regulatory organizations of Actuaries. Self-regulatory organizations of Actuaries – is non-profit organization, was established to monitor and regulate the actuarial activities. These organizations included in the Unified Register of self-regulatory organizations of actuaries in Russia, which brings together actuaries on membership conditions. The introduction of self-regulation in actuarial work, but it will be possible only after the adoption of relevant laws of the State Duma Russian Federation. 12. Self-regulatory organization in the food processing industry. 13. Self-regulatory organizations carriers. 14. Self-regulatory organizations in the energy survey. This type of AMC – a non-profit organizations, details of which is contained in the register of self-regulatory organizations in Russia. Activities of these organizations is based on the membership of which may be individual businesses or entities. Also in these organizations may be involved foreign organizations that carry out energy audits. Membership in the self-regulatory organization Energy Survey is now a prerequisite for the implementation of energy audit.