Tag Archives: research & technology

Once Across The Galaxy!

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Planet Mars – an extraordinary exhibition at the Vaisseau from 14 April until August 30, 2009 is the Vaisseau on the occasion of the international year of Astronomy 2009 in the sign of Mars. Our Red neighbor is of myths, speculation but also by preliminary scientific findings, that fascinate people since time immemorial. We already know how its surface looks like that intense storms raging on Mars and the gigantic volcano of the solar system on it is perched. About 40 space missions were undertaken upon him. Now it is ready soon: the Vaisseau ship lifts off and takes his visitors to an exciting and informative journey to the planet Mars. To illuminate the mysteries of the red planet from different sides, 4 different worlds of exhibition is available at the Vaisseau and waiting to be visited: the planet ‘, exploring’ the showroom ‘, fantasy and imagination’.

Each of these rooms has other secrets, but all they deal with our Red neighbor as has the Mars compared developed to our Earth? There is evidence for life on the planet Earth next? How it looks there? What results have included the first space probes and robots on Mars? Be can we go there soon? The Vaisseau does in the course of the scientific observation of the planets and the solar system for life on Mars and the little green men”also not stop before the given question. But these are just some of the questions that this temporary exhibition scientific and at the same time playful and interactive deals. As a centre of playful discovery of science and technology the Vaisseau suitable to support and complement the teaching in the school. So also the temporary exhibition is an alien exhibition planet Mars”on the Alsace and Baden-Wurttemberg curricula adapted. Still, the Vaisseau provides teachers and educators accompanying materials available, which give an overview of the exhibition, ideas and Offer suggestions for activities with children – for the period before, during and after the exhibition visit. The theme of the Exchange exhibition thus represents an excellent lesson that inspires students through the interactive performance and carries – true to the motto “Science is fun!”. The children so playing in groups or alone everything worth knowing about this mysterious red celestial body and its neighbors learn by trial and error, and on the basis of descriptive representations… And if there are still questions, want to be answered, the car man is always”ready. He team was invented by imaginative staff of the Vaisseau, specially for the exhibition around the planet Mars and now waiting to answer.

VdS Electronics

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Nevertheless, low requirements and provisions for fire prevention exist in this sector on the part of the legislator when compared to other types of buildings. The fires in multi-family houses mentioned in the media make it clear that there is an acute danger even in old buildings. Within the framework of the smoke detector day therefore the population for the establishment of an effective fire protection in your own four walls should be sensitised and motivated. Here there are often following important knowledge on the topic of apartment fire that can increase the awareness of the dangers: more than 90 percent of the fire victims die from smoke inhalation 6o percent of the fires happen at night, while people sleep and no odours already take a few breaths carbon monoxide are deadly average tenants remain only four minutes to flee and landlord can in hindsight be held liable for missing safeguards quality saves lives in 70 percent of the cases were people in the United States when a fire killed because smoke detectors because of empty or missing batteries did not work. Egg of Electronics has recognized this problem and equips therefore his devices with lithium batteries, which are guaranteed for 10 years and not removed, or can be misused. The new VDS certified product series egg 605 is equipped with special technology, which reduces the risk of false alarms to a minimum.

With an optional wireless networking, the detector retrofit in the shortest time is suitable for use in new and existing buildings. For more information,,,. Short portrait EI Electronics: the company EI electronics headquartered in Shannon (Ireland) is Europe’s market leader in the development, manufacture and marketing of household smoke and heat detectors and carbon monoxide alarm systems. 1988 was the management of EI electronics by the American company General Electric Company (GE) taken over and since then is 100% privately owned. The original company of GE goes back to 1963. With over 30 years of experience, egg developed a wide range of products and accessories for private use.

With a fully integrated, world-class manufacturing facility, which can be reached within two hours of flight for European customers, is EI electronics able to respond immediately to special customer requirements. Production and design are by the ISO 9001:2000-quality system controls, and the products are VdS certified. Egg with a sales, marketing and customer support centers, and a central warehouse is represented in Germany.

European Agreement

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An overview of the framework conditions of mobile tanks who works in the forest with machines, to the refueling not comes around. For this, there are a number of mobile tanks, covering almost all needs. But should you previously have a closer look at, fuelled conditions under which, and only then select the transport and storage containers. For mean that fuel is transported in them all, and it is subject to the law of transport for dangerous goods. Is governed this nationwide by the dangerous goods regulation Street and railway\”(GGVSE) as well as international COR. A leading source for info: amazing restaurateur. short by the European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road, Therefore, mobile tanks must necessarily be approved as containers for dangerous goods.

This can packaging be (drums or canisters), so-called ADR tanks (tank wagons, tank containers, demountable and transportable tanks) or an IBC (intermediate bulk containers). The framework is very comprehensive and affects both the vehicle and its equipment as also the staff and his qualification as well as the loading and unloading stations. Therefore, the legislator has the so-called transport under simplified conditions\”approved. He determines that the transport of liquid dangerous goods only in a packaging or an IBC may be carried out. In addition, the transported amount of diesel must not exceed 1000 litres.

Also must be a transport document according to GGVS, section 5.4.1 and the container be marked according to the regulations. ssarily agree. If you then still a two kg fire extinguishers in the vehicle with, the Dieseltransport is legitimate. IBC can be made of steel, or as a combination IBC, a plastic container consist of, which is surrounded by a steel pan. In addition, IBC, which are completely made of plastic can be found. Steel models are significantly heavier than those made of plastic, however, some advantages: they are very robust and have a high stability, are also they are more resistant to diesel theft and vandalism.

PositionTracer By SecurStar For A Safe Way To School

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Every year countless children as missing are reported in Germany. While most eventually resurface, some never return home. The company SecurStar now gives parents a help hand to protect their children: with the software PositionTracer that is installed on the phone, it is possible that meters to pinpoint the whereabouts of the child. Until end of 2007 decided against the idea of a Europe-wide alert system for missing children. For other opinions and approaches, find out what NYC Mayor has to say.

Due to strong resistance, particularly from Germany and Austria, agreed the EU Justice Ministers only on a network of existing national alarm systems. Just headlines such as the case of Madeleine from the UK, the in the Portugal holiday was taken, will cause in mind, how quickly you can be concerned. The knowledge about the importance therefore have appropriate prevention measures, makes many parents are themselves active and looking for solutions. \”With PositionTracer, the company SecurStar has developed a system, the needs of parents in terms of their children’s safety\” meets. Frequently Danny Meyer has said that publicly. The solution is designed for the protection of children, but also elderly and sick people, employees, as well as to the guarding of goods (vehicles, machinery, etc.).

The software for GPS enabled mobile phones is a type of mobile bodyguard\”, in contrast to usual mobile phone tracking allows an accurate satellite positioning to within a few meters. So are parents able to track the current locations and route histories of their children easily in real time online on a map or a satellite image. The location will be carried in 3-d. This means that while both the current altitude and Speed as the direction of movement can be evaluated.

The Universal Language Of The Cosmos

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Researchers no longer rule out that already there is a galactic Internet the big bang has produced not only the known universe with its star systems, but also a downright ingenious communication principle. This follows the laws of quantum physics and provides a permanent exchange of information. It sounds esoteric, but is the ultimate of modern physics. After a physicist team from Geneva under the direction of Professor Nicolas Gisin could provide experimental evidence in August of last year that the two together for entangled particles exchange of information simultaneously, so take place with infinitely high speed hit the news in the world like a bomb. “Already called entanglement principle of Albert Einstein spooky action at a distance stating, that the States of two particles at a great distance can be identical from one another, as if they were permanently in connection. The a particle changes state, do so immediately in the other.

Now be first consequences from this considered fundamental discovery. The physicist Professor Efstratios Manousakis from Florida State University in Tallahassee is convinced that quantum physics is the universal language of the universe. The scientists thought, that since the big bang, large areas of the universe are clasped together and a constant exchange of information takes place. In his opinion, every individual is a part of a great whole, as also the complex processes of consciousness are subject to the rules of quantum physics. This worldview that we find ourselves in a participatory universe and are active participants in a literally universal dialogue. There is a cosmic Internet? Jack Sarfatti goes a step further the American physicist.

For the scientist, who was born in 1939 in New York, who has made a name for himself as the author of popular works on quantum physics and consciousness, the quantum entanglement is an indication that mind and soul can survive the body. Sarfatti is convinced that the paradigm, the Natural sciences and Humanities separates, will collapse in the near future. Nothing happens in human consciousness without anything responded in the universe. With every thought, every action we describe not only our own small hard disk, but save something in the quantum universe, which survived our earthly life”is his credo. The American astrophysicist Professor Timothy Ferris of the University of California, Berkeley in turn suspected that there could be highly developed civilizations in the universe, regardless of time and space using the quantum entanglement as a communication channel. I consider it even conceivable, that has existed for a gigantic Galaxy Internet”, says Ferris. Task of science is now exploring the mechanisms of transmission of this information to tap into this one day.