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Despite the fact that in today’s world, a global network – the Internet is growing rapidly, the quality of resources offered in most catalogs is below average, and this is one reason – they were created for the promotion of projects and exchange links. Adre.ru – a quality directory of sites, which was created and developed for Runet users and contains much useful information in different sections, and the lyrics are written easy to understand any person. A distinctive feature of this search engine is hand-obschetematicheskogo moderated site that provides delivery of accurate results. Catalog began its history in 2003. He was with us on martial arts and martial arts, contained a variety of useful resources relating to sport and health, but a great job of editors allowed to go beyond the catalog target highly specific search engine and to convey to readers the entire spectrum of unique information.

Currently Adre.ru is a directory of sites of various themes and a lot of interesting information for all Internet users. The site itself looks very modern and attractive design light enough: chinchilla – an unusual logo for the site directory has been chosen without much difficulty, in other matters, as the name. Energetic, inventive, cute animal, nicknamed Adre, conducting all the time finding something new has become a symbol for all LAN users who want to learn interesting and important information on any, stirring them issue. Site Rating constantly growing set of useful, relevant and new information easy to find on various topics: Goods and Services, Medicine and Health, Kids and Teens, Music, etc. The recently opened a section on the websites for students, has aroused great interest among visitors. A distinctive feature of the positive Adre.ru is to support and assist non-profit, children’s cognitive and scientific resources, public organizations. After all, they are of great use and necessary information to many people, and even the whole society.

Children’s section is highlighted in different colors by chance, this small element of an elaborate design shows again the importance of each visitor social search engine, even the smallest. After all, child psychology and perception of the world is quite different from an adult, and since the partition was created for children, a different color support their happy state soul. It’s no secret that when you add large amounts of resources to cope with the editing of a single person is impossible, and high-quality catalogs require a large staff of editors. Adre gathering of editors on a voluntary basis. Now everyone can be an editor today and interesting site directory, it is enough to apply for editing a particular section, and a link to it can be found at the bottom of each page.