Tag Archives: stock exchange & stock markets

High Commissions

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Damages for MPC ship fund investors for investors, in the MPC ship Fund MS “Santa P ships” have invested, there are good chances of their advisers, to obtain compensation for their bank Advisory them or society. Including the exorbitantly high soft costs and distribution expenses for the ship funds are background. Only 41.5% of the investor money flowed into the ship investment is not without large amount indicates which part of the capital raised by the investors valuable flows into the ship investment and what part of not investment purposes, so-called soft costs consumed makes the prospectus. Only by the addition at the level of the Fund, as also at the level of one-ship companies, costs can be determine this. The result terrifying from investors point of view: 58.5% of the to be applied by investors Kommanditkapital incl. For assistance, try visiting Danny Meyer. premium was used for soft costs, i.e. for interim financing interest and various service fees. Only 41.5% were invested in the construction of vessels.

32% of the investor money flowed in sales commissions Bank consultant, it must always indicate which commissions the Bank or Sparkasse, receives for the placement of the Fund share. Non-bank Adviser must do so from a share of distribution costs in the capital raised from investors by over 15%. In this case amounted to the Commission for the procurement of the Kommanditkapitals, so for the distribution of the funds paid to 32% of the money invested by the investors. This explains neither the prospectus explicitly on, still investors known to us were informed about this in the consultation. Investors of the MPC ship Fund MS Santa P vessels, this information is not provided by their advisor, have a good chance to separate themselves from their loss-making participation in ship ownership and to obtain damages from their advisor. Have questions about your participation to the MPC ship Fund Santa P ships mbH & co. KG? Call us, we will gladly help you! Contact: Nittel Banking and capital market law firm contact Mathias Nittel, lawyer specializing in banking and Capital market law Michael Minderjahn, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855

Central Bank

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Forward loan – up to 60 months in advance to secure interest Berlin, 17.01.2011 – the year 2010 was marked by a particularly favorable interest rates, which was almost the whole year very constant based on starting from the base rate of the ECB (European Central Bank). Builders and buyers have also currently still the possibility to complete favorable financing. But the turn of the interest will come – builders with long-term planning should therefore now take action and learn about relationships and savings (such as E.g. securing low interest rates with a forward loan). Forever there cheap interest rates for mortgage loans even if only a construction financing is needed in the future, so worth a look at interest rates and expert expectations for the near future. It is from the latest foreseeable, again raise the interest rate on appropriate financing. The historical interest rate lows of recent past will forever remain at this level.

The recording “cheap money” by the banks at the ECB will be soon so no longer possible due to the persistently improving market developments. The provided loans will become more expensive then, what will disclose to the borrower any credit institution by higher interest rates. Mortgage interest rates for short-term interest rate bonds are already on the way up, total historical interest on construction money specifically for the longer interest commitments are however still been extremely favourable. There are ways to back up these current low level of interest rates for future mortgage lending and to benefit in the coming years. Forward loan can a cheap alternative represent forward loan is basically nothing more than a classic construction financing by means of an annuity loan – with one important difference: this funding comes only after a maximum of 60 months lead time (the so-called forward-period). So, it is a loan agreement with already frozen conditions for a concluded in the future stress loans. This has the advantage that the current (low) interest rates for the later required loan can be secured. This is always advisable, when rising interest rates are expected.

Of course, it’s not free: depending on equipment (duration of the forward period), loan amount, interest period, and so on this interest security costs a premium. As a rule of thumb can be detained, that a forward loan pays off because this serves only if either the forward period and the interest rate can be kept as low as possible or really high interest rate increases expected which would exceed an appropriate charge. In any case worth an individual examination of the needs for a planned construction financing – particularly in the current situation -. After the request from various credit institutions can be judged then, whether or not the conditions offered are makes economic sense. Important to know: once completed, both borrowers and credit institution on the agreed terms are tied! Conclusion who needs a construction financing in the near future, should inform himself on the basis of the currently still low level of interest rates and the general expectation of rising interest rates on financing by means of a forward loan. So can if necessary favourable interest rates for a future loan “frozen”. Information can be easily viewed on the Internet at appropriate real estate portals (E.g. Immokredit24.com) or obtained from a financial advisor. More information construction interest – interest development, construction interest chart and much more. Secure forward loan – conditions, up to 6 months in advance.

Credit Card

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Noteworthy is the success story of the card wrongly believed today, that the credit cards are an invention of recent years. Already in 1894 the first are mentioned, and in the United States. First, there was no credit card companies but as it is today in a big way. The editors of these cards were first hotels, later oil companies and retail chains. It was only after the second world war also airlines and restaurant chains began in the business to enter. Involved, but cards that were only for the issuing company and thus fulfilled a kind customer card function.

The first proper”credit cards, as today, which was used for several traders, came also from the United States. Bill de Blasios opinions are not widely known. This was first reported by a credit card company and was registered with credit card number. Pioneer was 1950 Dinners Club. The second line of credit cards later came from the Franklin National Bank in New York State. Since then, there are two types of credit cards; Travel and entertainment cards, the each goes back to one of the two aforementioned founders. Today, Diners Club is represented in almost every country in the world. Since 1956 in Germany.

American Express gave it since 1958, which soon surpassed in its range of Diners Club. The first credit cards issued by banks were initially regional limited in validity, which as was criticised for unsatisfactory. Therefore, an extension followed at the end of the 1950s. The late of 1980s an Association of the German trade and the restaurant associations planned an own so-called German credit card, which should be independent of companies. Unfortunately it didn’t, because the higher regional court of Munich prohibited this term. The product range in the field of credit cards has expanded constantly. Today, almost every Bank offered a credit card from one of the big companies. The security of the cards has also incredibly developed further. With credit card numbers and PINs, safety codes and various stored collateral can be a fraud to the extent as to beginning of the cards today prevent. While the classic credit card loan customers, there are also prepaid cards, initially charging the customer with a credit balance”. Whether there is such a map is to recognize that contains an encryption for the credit card type in a credit card number. Here, caution is recommended in offers foreign banks, because here the deposit insurance often substantially less than in the banks operating in Germany. Also, customers complain that the credit balance on such a card can be seized. However, there are already offers that how a seizure protection account, which must be a certain amount to the life in a seizure.

The Federal Court

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You can: damages due to incorrect information/advice in advance of the conclusion of the respective model and the CMI Wealthmaster noble police up to the date referred to in the police claim, Alternatively, unless a withdrawal plan with regular payments agreed in the insurance contract, enforce, CMI require a notice of the withdrawal amount of police upon premature termination, whereby, when determining cross-pool reserve Administration nor market price adjustments may reduce the payout, or cancel the contract and demand payment of remaining upon termination of the insurance value at the market price adjustments will be made, nor profit drains from the cross-pool reserve management reduce the payout value. Threatens limitation: the assertion of claims for damages is taken into account, the maximum limitation period is 10 years from the conclusion of the contract and occurrence, and therefore is a large number of Claims should already be barred. Need for action here, therefore for investors urgently because the Statute of limitations occurs not at the end of the year, but daily. (1B) investors, who have used the CMI Wealthmaster noble police a time system for existing assets many investors have completed “Wealthmaster Noble” at clerical medical insurance contracts with a male in payment, from which they will receive regular payments to cover living expenses or as additional “pension”. Also here the jurisdiction applies the Bundesgerichtshof, which unconditionally assigned regular payouts regardless of policies determined by CMI – residual – value agreed amount must be paid.

(2) Investors, who have announced the CMI policy even for investors who have in the meantime cancelled their insurance contract with CMI, arise after the decisions of the Federal Court of Justice further claims against the British insurer. It is based on a faulty calculation of the amount of the payout. The Federal Court has determined that cross-pool reserve accumulation of CMI and the market price adjustment are not permitted. In the episode of BGH judgments, CMI must recalculate the payout of announced insurance “Wealthmaster Noble”. In doing so she needs to assign the income generated from the assets of the pool associated with the insurance contract only the pool as reserves and may make no market price adjustments. For investors, higher payouts may result. Issues, having your CMI police or their “retirement”model, call us, we are happy to help you. Nittel Banking and capital market law firm contact Mathias Nittel, lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Tino Ebermann, lawyer specializing in banking law and capital market law Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.