Therefore the true art can make history, in the measure where he is one to reflect of the social being on its proper existence. (…) (Belmira Magalhes- p.44) In the text ‘ ‘ The Theory of the Medalho’ ‘ of Axe of Assis, the dialogue (that more it is resembled to a monlogo), stopped in middle of century XIX between a father and its son that reaches the majority, brings to tona some values that persist until the present, in full in century XXI: The search for the social ascension, still very common and desired in some social classrooms, mainly in capitalist countries where social mobility is viable. It is not only enough to have success financially, what it does not assure the individual to have influence between its pairs, is necessary to have a net of contacts that relieve it benefits in some way. In the text, a father waits to become fullfilled itself with done of the son, if to become Medallion, person of high professional concept at the time, influenced it and displaying its theory, the same if ‘ ‘ desdobra’ ‘ in advice who are readily accepted for Janjo, the son. To be ‘ ‘ Medalho’ ‘ it consisted of being sociable, accepted, requested, in being a figure with raised social, optimum representation in its area, the most quoted, somebody pleasant thing to all, a being notable. It does not have nothing excessively in being optimum and to be recognized therefore, however to reach this status, the candidate ‘ ‘ Medalho’ ‘ it needed not to have a proper personality, to only be superficial expert of some subjects, and to prevent to oppose or to contradict somebody, giving to edge the useless speeches the proper cause, did not only serve it to be a conformist, since the traditionalistic society, where they lived, did not allow the opening for the new..