Monthly Archives: March 2017

La Paz

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Considered one of the explaining principles of the contemporary Spanish narrative, he carries out a lengthy meditation on the human society and the deficiency of horizons in works like Retahlas (1974), structured in a dialogue-colloquy that during one night maintains the granddaughter and the nephew of a old dying, between memories, mysterious histories and atmospheres, as relief of its own privacy, Fragments of the interior (1976) transfers, us to the atmosphere of a Madrilenian family of middle-class, and the quarter of back (1978, National Prize of Narrative), story that intensifies the mysterious and onrico aspect through fantastic ensoaciones of the narrator, which the recovery of the childhood and the spontaneous expression of the most elementary experiences of their personal life are based on. The metanarrativa and autobiographical reflection dominates the speech of the story never to finish (1983) and From the window (1987), books that continuously fluctuate between the fiction and the test. Other texts due to their pen are the historical investigations the process of Macanaz (1969), loving Uses of century XVIII Spanish (1972) and loving Uses of the Spanish postwar period (1987), the poem book To gusts of wind (1976), the drama To wood dry (1988), the stories for young people the castle of the three walls and the pie of the devil, picked up in the volume Two stories (1989), and the Caperucita novels in Manhattan (1988), in which it explores the existing relation between the reasons for fairytales and the Hollywood symbolism, variable Cloudiness (1992), history of two women, friendly of the childhood, that are when happening the time, and the queen of the snows (1994), that are worth of the keys of the folletinesca narrative. Its book Hoping the future. Tribute to Ignacio Aldecoa (1994) reunites the four conferences that, on the life and works of the east writer, Martin Gaite in the University of Salamanca dictated.

In 1988 Prince of Asturias of the Letters was granted to him to the Prize, shared with Jose Angel Valente, and in 1994 the National Prize of the Letters. In his last years he has published two successes of critic and public, the rare thing is to live (1997) and To go away of house (1998). And as the salmantina writer said: " Always there is one undergoes and other that does sufrir". Francisco Aryan Soli’s The freedom does not have those are not their thirsty. Vestibule of Internauts by La Paz and the Freedom and of Free Forum. URL: Original author and source of the article.

National Statistics Institute

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Specialists of the Valencian infertility Institute (IVI) advise all women younger than 38 years with work projection and the idea of forming a family in the future to preserve their fertility through the vitrification of eggs to prevent sterility problems. The Plan of preservation of fertility clinics IVI, put into operation for three years, allows women in reproductive age to postpone motherhood through the vitrification of eggs, a simple process that involves freezing the female gametes to – 196 degrees. The vitrification of eggs method enables you to retain all the fertility of young eggs so that the patient can decide the moment of forming a family without being too late. Indeed, the IVI specialists emphasize that after the devitrification, eggs continue to have the same quality as before freezing them, since it is a technique that guarantees the survival of 97% of the gametes. Dr. Antonio Requena, medical director of the IVI group, explains that the profile of the future mother responds to a woman aged between 35 and 45, with University studies and work involvement, with or without partner and that thought about postponing her motherhood. In this sense, the expert encourages all women younger than 38 years with work projection and the idea of forming a family in the future, to preserve their fertility before and thus prevent sterility problems. The same expert highlights that less than two decades ago it was strange that a couple arrived at age 30 without having had offspring, but today, are increasingly young women who decide to delay motherhood for balancing work and family, without taking into account the ability to conceive decreases as the years pass.

According to a study of IVI, the economic independence of women has meant significant increase in unmarried mothers. Requena indicates that, in 2008, were 481 inseminations with donor sperm against the 128 who practiced four years earlier, in women without a partner. The expert explained that you part of this explanation lies in the incorporation of women to the labour world in the mid-1980s. In five years were already one million women who played a professional activity and ten years later the figure amounted to four billion. Today are 10.035.200, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE). The medical director of the IVI indicates that the vitrification of eggs is a technique which means a step more in family planning since it contributes to the woman to decide when it is the best time to be a mother. Addition, it should be noted that, at present, this technique has already enabled that over 200 patients at reproductive age, which has been diagnosed cancer, have been able to preserve their gametes for free at any of the IVI centres, before undergoing a treatment of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. Original author and source of the article.

Monte Triana Teachers

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Starts the XXXVI open international chess city of Seville the large teachers Kevin Spraggett (Canada), Deep Sengupta (India), Damian Lemos (Argentina), Azer Mirzoev (Azerbaijan), Goran Dizdar (Croatia) and the Ecuadorian Carlos Matamoros will meet in Seville, from today 7 January and until the 15th day, within the framework of the XXXVI open international chess city of Seville. Alongside them, a total of 260 players will participate in this important meeting. Highlights the presence of 23 of them with the title of Grand Master, 17 international teachers, one my female, three Masters FIDE, a female MF and a candidate master. The appointment of Seville presents as every year, a particularity that makes it different: the possibility that amateur players can cope with teachers or professionals. In these meetings they have come to produce surprises of draws or victories. These meetings are usually performed in the early rounds. Our hotels in Seville, Monte Carmelo and Monte Triana, rooms are available for your accommodation if you want to attend this important sporting event, either as a participant or as amateur audience. This meeting is endowed with more than 10,200 in awards, sponsored by the Municipal Institute of sports in the city of Seville and the provincial Council of Seville..

TRANS ATLANTIC PARTNERS 2011 With High-profile Film Producer

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The networking programme of the Erich pommer Institute 24 international producers with extensive filmographies were selected for Potsdam Babelsberg, Germany, may 5, 2011 the Erich pommer Institute has today in Potsdam the roster for his international programme presents TRANS ATLANTIC PARTNERS (TAP). A total of 24 well-known producers from Europe, Canada and the United States have been selected for the TAP program. TRANS ATLANTIC PARTNERS is an initiative for training and networking of European, Canadian and American film producer. The successful program is offered since 2009 by the EPI. It is promoted in the framework of the MEDIA Mundus programme of the European Union, as well as by the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and Telefilm Canada. We look forward to exchanging creative and are curious, what new film projects brought in 2011 in order to tap on the way”Nadja Radojevic, Director of international education at the Erich pommer Institut and initiator of the project.

Two-thirds of the selected participants have already confirmed, including the European Producers Tom Collins, de facto film, Ireland (Kings, dead long enough, the boys of St Columb’s, Bogwoman) and Dariusz Jablonski, Apple film production, Poland (my Australia, land of oblivion). the Canadian producers Jennifer Holness, hungry eyes film & television, Toronto (love, sex & eating the bones) and real Chabot, movie you Boulevard, Montreal (Le Poil de la Bete, Le deserter, the timekeeper); the American producer Jared Moshe, stick! Pictures, New York (Corman’s world: exploits of a Hollywood rebel Kurt Cobain about a son) and Ron Simons, SimonSays entertainment, New York (night catches US, gun Hill Road.) The current list of participants can be viewed on. TRANS ATLANTIC PARTNERS pommer behind next to the Erich Institute the Canadian organization of strategic partners and the independent filmmaker project (IFP) from New York. The first module of the program will take place from 21-26 June 2011 held in Berlin. The case studies of two current co-productions will be a highlight. The producers of Christina Piovesan (Canada) and the whistleblower Dr.

Wolfgang Muller (Germany) present the german Canadian co-production with Oscar-winning actress Rachel Weisz in the lead role. Another contribution is the loneliest planet with Gabriel Garcia Bernal, presented by producer Jay Van Hoy and Lars Knudsen (both United States). In September, the 24 selected participants in Halifax and New York continue their cooperation. Erich pommer Institute gGmbH media law, media economics and Media Research Institute headquartered in Potsdam-Babelsberg. The sole shareholder is the Hochschule fur film und Fernsehen Konrad Wolf”.

50 Percent On Footwear

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Discount cheap must not always cheap discount his 50 percent online shoppers until end of February on selected expensive shoes for men and women, when you order your favorite piece from the current autumn / winter collection on the shoe platform until 28 February. No less than the famous and high-quality brand converse, Lloyd, Timberland, Gabor, replay, S.Oliver, Peter Kaiser and Mustang are subjected to month end a relentless fall in prices. Left out of the upcoming Spring fashion though. A look at the thermometer but says: given the currently ruling freezing are also new warm winter boots by high utility and usage value. Who look closely however, finds some beautiful and noble semi-open pumps for the evening or for warmer periods in the virtual women’s Department already. The partner of presents a large portfolio of Markenschuh models from A as in Airstep on his shoe platform up W like Ranger. Lovers of retro basketball shoes from converse” get cheap models at the low price in brown or black. The male Office group is in the Lloyd “Division found and can with corresponding models its business casual” look underline.

The Garbor section offers a wide variety of women’s shoes. Here also have spring-like models in the offer are similar to S.Oliver and Peter-Kaiser models. Are the discounted models with small red sale “banner at the edge of the image. However, the promotion period is not mandatory and can be terminated prematurely again so well worth an early slamming. More info Press / GmbH Lisa Neumann

New Certification Program For Online Stores

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The ShopWiki partner program evaluated E-commerce provider ShopWiki, a leading international provider for the universal product search in online shops, starts the ShopWiki affiliate program”in Germany. The certificate will be E-commerce providers awarded after an evaluation process reliability, trust, in which and thoroughly checked quality of the shop. The participation in the ShopWiki partner program”is free of charge. E-commerce operators and merchants can compete here online certified shop/about/articles for inclusion in the partner program. Julia Schonegger, country Manager Germany, via the ShopWiki partner program: ShopWiki is a collection point for the best deals from reliable shops on the net. The free ShopWiki partner certificate serves both shop providers as well as customers: providers can stand out as a certified and thus high-quality, safe shop. Customers can relax, because sure, buy online.” The ShopWiki partner program offers many of the shop provider Advantages. Any certified shop will be presented within the framework of a so-called partner certificate on

For the merchant, neither costs nor time resulting because the contents are automatically generated by ShopWiki. Criteria for a ShopWiki certified shop to participate the ShopWiki affiliate program and get a certificate to an online store at least two of the following six points meet to: annual turnover within the top one percent ShopWiki online shops. Prices inside the ShopWiki fairness price range. Proven higher customer approval on ShopWiki and other leading retail review sites. Quality customer service. Direct, positive feedback at ShopWiki.

Joining EHI, TuV, trusted shops certified online shop, chip online and Xonio online, Comodo (UserTrust), userfriendly shops by Shoplupe or GeoTrust. ShopWiki collected over 300,000 online shops with over 300 million products. To facilitate your search for the right product, ShopWiki with Beratungsguides helps in the buying decision. In addition to the unique product index consumers find valuable background information on individual products and categories. These go beyond the usual product descriptions and help to make the right decision. ShopWiki ShopWiki is the world’s largest service for comfortable and time – and money-saving shopping on the Internet with currently over 300 million products and over 300,000 collected online stores. An algorithm developed by ShopWiki crawls and indexes the Internet regularly and catalogued the found shops and products. The ShopWiki aims, each online product available for indexing. ShopWiki has been founded in 2005 by Kevin P. Ryan, the former CEO of DoubleClick, and Dwight Merriman, former DoubleClick CTO and Eliot Horowitz in New York. In addition to serves ShopWiki in Europe the markets of Great Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands in country-specific versions.

General Laws

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Of such models the construction of general laws resulted: bigger objective of modern Geography made use to surpass the studies of the particularitities and the common sense. (HISSA, 2002). In accordance with Capel (1981), two significant events had marked the affirmation of this new Geography: the first one, the publication, in 1953, of an article of Fred K. Schaefer against traditional regional-historicista conception e, as, in 1962, of a workmanship of William Bunge.

Between the related dates a new Geography if established and if it spread out from focos as the University of Iowa, with proper Fred K. Schaefer; the University of Wisconsin, traditional user of statistical methods e, over all, the University of Washington, under the direction of William L. Garrison and of the visit of the Swedish Torsten Hgerstrand, in which if they had formed the notables Brian J.L. Berry, William Bunge and W.R. Tobler, among others.

According to Abreu (2006), the biggest development found for Theoretical and the Quantitative ones, in the United States, if had the participativas university most democratic and, as well as the o development of departments of Geography in Harvard, with William Morris Davis, and in Michigan, with Carl Sauer, beyond already cited. Of the teses developed in such departments, Theoretical and Quantitative Geography appeared. It can be affirmed that the consolidation of the espacialista tradition, understood as a general boarding with methods and applied statistical techniques on the geographic space if had, still, to the abundance of found governmental resources to the disposal of the North American scientific community. (KINGS JNIOR and PEREZ SON, 2008). In relation to the produced knowledge, T. Hargestrand, in Sweden, studied the modifications in agriculture and its relation with the urban and agricultural way. In the United States, W. Bunge was worried about the geometric properties of physical systems e, also, with sciences social and psychology; The Christaller German developed models of hierarquizao of the markets and the retailing.

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Today we have the great opportunity to make money online without investing anything silver.But making money on the internet has one much greater advantage, that you can work from home, or from anywhere in the world with the condition that you have access to the internet. But, before you get to dream, you have to get to work, what is not true is that easy or quick, quite the opposite, it will take hard work, and above all time.Generate income on the internet is much like a real business. What one must do is strive; have some skill in writing; one need not be an expert, can write in a clear and conscisa besides having good spelling is enough; that you can undertake business on the internet already. There are many pages that promise you to make money online, you can do thousands of dollars in just a few days or weeks and which you could leave work and working from home.Even companies that inform you fast WINS, sell you a series of digital books, the only thing you’ve done spending money more and over and above all losing your valuable time which is worth more than gold. For this reason you have to dedicate yourself to the internet to see fruit, results; there are people who are earning money via the internet. There are some pages that give you mini courses free of charge aprovechalo.leelo, if it is by video tutorials see again and again in order to learn.I recommend you apply the necessary tools. Everything that I am informing put it in practice do not waste time more, things that won’t you have serve.Later you do not see with the disappointment that it didn’t you. In reality when you work in an institution, rises very early maybe without rested well by that should arrive on time, otherwise the Chief dismissed him and lose their jobs.He comes home tired. The advantage of dedicating to the internet is working from home, stay with your family, closer perhaps to your child that is still tiny and that requires attention, rest enough, stand up and check that the internet is generating money, this previously thanks to you effort. If you want to know something else enters here.

Money Boosts

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Then you must be aware that the money is in the minds of people, if on some sides not observed is because people are internally convinced of the opposite. Money Boosts economy: between more people are convinced of the abundance then quality of life improvement in general, that is the secret of developed countries. Money does not away to no one: when you produce something new, for example a program of quality control, then you have contributed something new, you are not removing him to another, but generates greater abundance and that translates into good results for companies and logically a retribution for who makes the contribution. -depth analysis. We could continue writing an enormous amount of arguments and I can assure you that they can convert into thousands of pages, on the other hand if you start to question whether these statements are valid then continuous perpetuating your negative belief around money and that is one of the main reasons why in many places the shortages appears, is not that the world is so but that is a consequence of their internal expectations. Once you have a series of positive associations in your mind about the benefits of the money, it is now necessary to stimulate your senses to the ideas of abundance will taking more strength, powerful subliminal videos, you will program the money in your life, these videos are designed to make an impact on your subconscious mind with images, sounds, and special messagesthe passage of time will help overcome the negative beliefs that money is not good. It is necessary to emphasize that the conscious reasoning that the ideas in our interior is not the same, it is possible that you are convinced that the arguments mentioned in this article are correct but deep down his being has other beliefs, your mission is to fight for change that perspective, and this will only be achieved with an enormous insistence, to do so then you will have changed from State and experience things that were away from his life at some point. original author and source of the article.