Tag Archives: economy

Explicativas Notes

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The not-obligator reports are not part of the basic structure of the countable demonstrations that must be elaborated for the purpose of spreading, being normally destined to the internal managemental use. Many of these reports are sufficient important for the analysis, allowing that more complete conclusions on the situation of the company are gotten. Examples: flow of box, projections of sales, performance for product etc. Complementarily to the obligator financial demonstrations, the company of open capital must also make responsible for the publication of the Report of Direction, Explicativas Notes, Seem of the Auditors. (Assaf, 2007, p.55) 2,8 Methodology of Analysis ' ' The rocking analysis is not only developed by means of applications of techniques, but also guided, to a large extent, for the sensitivity and experience of the analyst. With the intention of it collaborates in the formation of a metodolgica routine, is considered to follow a basic project of avaliao' ' (ASSAF, 2007, P.21). A.A company and the Market an essential concern of the analyst must be to know more at great length company and its market of performance, way best to evaluate the financial decisions (investment and financing) taking.

The rocking analysis becomes inside well more consistent how much interpreted of the characteristics of the sector of activity of the company. For example, a turn of 70 days of the supplies can extreme for be determined commercial segment, being considered, however, adjusted in another one. In the study of the activity sector where a company meets inserted, the potentials current and future of the consuming market must be evaluated the level and the size of the competition, the technological dependence, the suppliers, the politics of prices adopted for the sector etc. B. Financial Reports This item engloba all the countable demonstrations elaborated by the company, that will serve of source of information for the analysis economic-financier.

Central Banking

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According to divulged data of the Central banking in 06 of July, the deposits had added R$ 82,622 billion, before withdrawals of R$ 80,533 billion, what it resulted in a balance of R$ 2,089 billion. In May, the captation had been of R$ 1,88 billion and, in June of 2008, R$ 1,529 billion. The total in the last month is the greater since December of 2008, when the deposits had surpassed the booties in R$ 5,387 billion. It was the third time in the year where it has register of positive liquid captation. In February, the liquid captation had been of R$ 751,395 million and in May, of R$ 1,880 billion. In the January months (R$ 486,630 million), March (R$ 846,803 million) and April (R$ 941,549 million) the liquid captation was negative. In the passed month, the deposits had added R$ 82,622 billion and withdrawals R$ 80,533 billion. In June, the balance of the saving arrived the R$ 282,189 billion.

The report of the Central banking has for base given of the Brazilian System of Saving Loan (SBPE), that it destines resources to the real estate sector, and of the agricultural saving. Although the strong impulse in June, the captation accumulated in the first semester the same fell 35% in the comparison with period of 2008. In the first half of the 2008, balance it was of R$ 2,6 billion while in the first half of 2009 it reached R$ 1,7 billion. Concern of the GovernoDesde January, when the BC gave beginning to the process of reduction of the Selic tax, started to be argued in the government the impact that this fall of the interests would have on the investment funds. Good part of the patrimony of these deep ones, especially of fixed income and DI, is applied in public headings, that lose yield to each cut of the Selic.

Rio De Janeiro

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Products and safe conditions of work attract conscientious customers and minimize tragic and custosos accidents. Medical education, cares and equality of chances generate steady communities and a productive force of work. Good governana, the kingdom of the law and definite rights of property are essential for the security, efficiency and inovao’ ‘ (Porter & Kramer, 2006 apud UNEP, 2008, p.33). The environment entire, recomposto, in balance, living creature and conserved, has significant paper in the recovery of the growth of the economy, beyond being condition for existence of the life in the Land. The ingression of global the productive activity in the process of descarbonizao of the economy, for example, already is considered by specialists as one in the ways it world to leave the crisis, according to Professor of the PUC River and consultant of the WWF, Sergio Bresserman, in interview the Miriam Pig in the program Open Space (GLOBONEWS, 2009). Learn more on the subject from shimmie horn. To continue in unsustainable trajectory will take the planet the irreversible conditions.

To modify its course for sustainable means to change the direction of the economic development, requires urgent decisions of the international governana, demand transformations in acting and thinking, in the way to produce, to consume and to conserve in the whole world. Yes, we can, with social mobilization, knowledge and technological innovations, and we need, therefore the delay in market, government, companies and society to take the decisions effective, the International, multilateral and local, to invert the predatory direction of the development, shorten the time and diminish possibilities of reversion of the ambient estragos.

The City

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One in each three inhabitants possesss vehicle, given of the DENATRAN. In the social programs FUNDHAS and CEPHAS are distinguished it. Another prominence for city is the system of culture, managed for the Foundation Cassiano Ricardo, that has as the one of the prominences Symphonic Orchestra of Is Jose of the Fields, beyond many cultural projects that take care of thousand of people every year, with national and international participants. With a population of 615.871 inhabitants in 2009 according to IBGE, the city it has 98.78% of the inhabitants in the city, the life expectancy already passes of 74 years. The respect to the aged one for the Public Agency is one of the marks of the city, with action effective, clearly that for this beyond the house of the aged one, of social projects of support a system of efficient health exists, with almost 200 establishments of health installed in the city, beyond being a city reference to some types of medical treatments. The City hall of Is Jose of the Fields has a well equipped system, folloied of continuous managements of some successful administrations had eliminated good part of the risks in the city, congealing and finishing with good part of the slum quarters, creating an infrastructure of water draining for rains that the volume of floods more than diminished in 70%, when compared it has fifteen years in the past. The city was 2 bigger exporter of the country, in 2010 fell for 4 rank in the comparison of 1 Quadrimestre of this year with equal period of the passed year, US$ 1,407 billion, the first one of this year is Cove of the Kings (US$2,534 billions), according to So Paulo (US$ 1,767 billion) and third Maca-RIO DE JANEIRO (US$ 1.441 billion). The city also is one strong employer in the sector of Telemarketing. The city also counts on 3 polar regions of incubadoras of companies, a Technological Polar region with Center of Conventions, one of the biggest technological scientific polar regions of Latin America. Between them the ITA? Aeronautical Technological institute; the IAE? Institute of Aeronautics and Space; IEA? Institute of Advanced Studies; Institute of Industrial Promotion; Institute of Protection to the Flight; INPE? Institute National of Space Research; CTA? Command-Generality de Aerospace Tecnologia; UNIFESP; FATEC; UNESP? State university of So Paulo; Institute of P& D of the VALLEY? Valley Solutions and Energy – VSE; IPT; LNCC? National laboratory of Scientific Computation; Genius? Institute of Technology; FAPESP; CECOMPI? Center for Competitiveness and Innovation of the Cone So Paulo East; Center of Innovation of MICROSOFT Brazil; amongst others. Concluding the city it counts on an excellent infrastructure of public attendance, exactly suffering still with the question of the job, violence and urban occupation with the real estate explosion is still a city of many chances.

The American Crisis

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Merrill Lynch and the Lehman Brothers. The first one was bought by the Bank of America, for the value of U$ 50 bi (half of what was valid has one year behind) and as must still announce its bankruptcy today. Interesting to notice that of this time the government Bush did not help none of the two institutions, in the hope that had a market solution invisible hand of the State, when the free-market, as a scared child asks for aid, makes to remember celebrates it phrase of Marx: everything that is solid if preparation of manioc meal in air. for one of these ironies, who if preparation of manioc meal now, are those, that until good little time behind, the categories of investments of countries and institutions classified. I remember the reporter informing.