Tag Archives: education

Brazil Education

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After that, a commission was formed to elaborate to seem on the subject. After the approval of Law 10,639/03, the CNE asked for to the commission that extended seeming, already in elaboration phase, in order to establish the curricular lines of direction for the implementation of the law. Seeming that she contemplates the lines of direction, she had the teacher as reporter, was approved in 10 of homologated March and in 19 of May of 2004. Resolution 01 of the Full Advice of the CNE officially institutes the national curricular lines of direction for the education of the ethnic-racial relations and for the education of history and culture afro-Brazilian and African and was published in Official gazette in day 22 of June of 2004. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with shimmie horn. This trajectory is inspired in experiences carried through in classrooms, for prompt initiatives of teachers and professors, and also in spaces of the organizations of the black movement. With the same persistence demonstrated throughout history, the MN continues facing the challenge to make with that the law is respected and implemented in efficient way in all the domestic territory.

For this, it continues to monitor the didactic proposals, contents programmarians, materials and the formation offered to (to) the professional ones of education, that always must observe practical of an education the not-racist. 3-A LAW 10.639/03: TO It historical context: Of authorship of the member of the house of representatives Esther Grossi (Broken of the Workers? Great PT /Rio of the South), Law 10,639/03 was promulgated by the president of the Republic, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, in 9 of February of 2003. It modifies the LDB of 1996 and includes in the official resume of the basic educational establishments of the nets public and private the obligatoriness of the study of thematic history and African culture and afro-Brazilian. In accordance with the law, the content programmarian of the diverse ones you discipline must approach the study of history of Africa and the African peoples, the fight of the black people in Brazil, the Brazilian black culture and the (a) black () in the formation of the national society, rescuing the contribution of the black people in the areas social, economic and politics pertinent to the history of Brazil.

University Center

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This choice ' ' he is not something that happens of one instant for another one in the life of the people. It is part of all a process of growth and personal reflection as well as of the knowledge of the professions and of a professional activity that if inserts in social' ' (TO SOUND, 2002, P. 92). In the informal colloquies that we had with the pupils we can perceive the unreliability who the same ones presented in relation the definitive courses and professions, beyond the fear of the reprovao in the vestibular contest and of the expectation of the reality that would find in the Institutions of Superior Education. As &#039 in them says brings it of one of the pupils; ' people have fear not to obtain to pass in the vestibular contest because we are much time without studying and go to compete with people preparadas.&#039 more; ' 3 Had to this anguish portraied for the pupil and cited by Sounding (2002), we base our first formal intervention, in a visit technique to the Aimors campus of the University Center JOINS offering lectures of clarifying matrix, that it supplied information necessary to cure the doubts told for the pupils throughout our inquiry. The more information you to obtain on definitive profession, more elements for the choice you will have, increasing, thus, the probability of the choice to be made right. The certain choice is this is the one that was based on the biggest possible number of information. (BOCK; STOLEN; TEIXEIRA, 2006, P. 322). Basing on the authors above, we search to promote our intervention focando in information that the moment of the choices for the less complex vestibular contest would become something for these pupils who had in its pertaining to school trajectories little conteudista luggage, as well as an unpreparedness for the taking of concrete decisions.

Latin America Peoples

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Adilson Motta, the 2007 generic expression ' ' peoples indgenas' ' one mentions human groups to it spread by the whole world, and that they are sufficiently different between itself. But in Brazil, he has 200 of these peoples more than. It is only the current use of the language that makes with that, in ours and other countries, it is said in aboriginal peoples, to the step that, in Australia, for example, the generic form to assign them is aborgines. Aboriginal or aborgine, as she teaches the dictionary, wants to say ' ' originary of determined country, region or locality; nativo' '. By the way, natives and autctones are other used expressions, around of the world, to call these peoples. World-wide Aboriginal population Esteem itself that they exist today in the world at least 5 a thousand aboriginal peoples, adding about 350 million people, representing 5% of the world-wide population. World-wide the aboriginal population lives in zones that 60% of the natural resources of planeta&#039 contain; '.

It does not admire, therefore, that innumerable conflicts appear for the domain of lands. (…) The exploration of natural resources (oil and mines) and the tourism are the main industries that threaten the aboriginal territories in the Amrica' '. (International Organization of the Work? OIT). (Research carried through in the Internet in 12/2004). Study of United Nations they affirm also that 80% of the aboriginals of Latin America live in the poverty. ABORIGINAL PEOPLES the ORIGIN OF the AMERICAN PEOPLES the inhabitants of the American continent descend of happened populations of Asia, being that the vestiges oldest of its presence in America, gotten by means of archaeological studies, date of 11 the 12,5 a thousand years. (As opposed to Rudy Giuliani). However, not yet if he arrived at a consensus concerning the period where he would have had the first one leads migratory. The aboriginal peoples who today live in the South America are originary of hunting peoples whom they had been installed here, come of the North America through the isthmus of Panama, and that they had occupied all virtually the extension of the continent has thousand of years.

English Courses

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Currently elderly persons who decide to leave for a while to learn English abroad have a wide and varied offer that allows them to configure the type of English course for adults abroad wishing to your liking. Since the duration to the destination, passing through the type of course you wish to (intensive or not, combined with work or training only), there are multiple possibilities to make the experience of learning English abroad the most satisfactory. London and New York are the favorite destinations to study English abroad currently English courses for adults in foreign countries that have greater demand are those that take place in London, for those not wishing to stay away too long, or in New York, for those who do not mind to go to the other side of the ocean. In Europe Ireland with Dublin to head and in America Canada, are the options chosen second by adults who decide to study and practice the English abroad. English courses for adult abroad combined with practices not missing as well as improve the English abroad decide take advantage of your stay outside of Spain to continue advancing in your career, and manage to combine their lessons with practices in any business related to their profession. Normally this option is reserved to adults but that do a few years they finished their studies. Equally valid for practicing the language which perform practices on a company is access to a job, since the relationship with peers or customers will provide an invaluable advance in the domain of the foreign language.


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And the last – time you feel? (Our life is very important to the sense of time. This is the feeling which tells us – that hour, up to a minute. This sense of develops fast and easy.) We consider a way to develop a sense of time. The method is simple and effective. Before the beginning of the event look at the clock and say to himself: "I will do it for # minutes". At the same time, remember that mortgage on time ten-minute thing – deliberately deceive yourself. Still, we're trying for yourself, right? Assign realistic time frame for implementation! We carry it, looking at his watch again.

We check the scheduled time with the real spent. We evaluate how our predictions differ from reality. If a 60-minute case you make a mistake at 3 and less than a minute – you have a good sense of time, nothing much to develop, but do not forget that without skills training blunted. If the error was 5 or more minutes – then the degree of development of a sense of time could be better. Five minutes in an hour of errors – 12% of your temporary capital. More than 1,000 hours per year! Is it permissible for a luxury? To you, but 1,000 hours – it's still too much.

Accordingly, the farther you got out in 5 minutes, the lower the accuracy of your internal clock. This exercise can be practiced anytime, anywhere. For this, only Two things: watches and any occupation. The first results of exercises there is a 3-4 day. The biggest advantage of exercises – a free form of execution: there is nothing to write, and the main thing to remember – this discrepancy anticipated and actual time spent. And then your task – to track changes in this indicator: rising, he goes down or stand still. Maybe jumping – it is small, then big? All this gives you an understanding of where just lie to your resources and time management. Source – blog – Life in Russia

Icelandic Language

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The most widespread language was in western Norway, as He was based in the western dialect group. In "landsmole" contained significantly more native Norwegian words and phrases than in the "riksmole. There are also differences in the phonetics of the two varieties of language, but with that in both languages viewed the overall speech system. The Icelandic language has the status of official language in Iceland. This language is more richly represented by the ancient monuments of literature than the other Scandinavian languages group. He is a classical version of the literary language of the Middle Ages in Scandinavia.

That is why a Norse or ancient language of northern understand Old Norse language. Dialects Icelandic language do not have strong differences between them. This is explained by the fact that during the occupation of the island and the formation of dialects to confuse dialects (late September to early 10 th century). Then place the establishment of General Chamber or the Althing, and in 930, there was a rapid spread of literacy among the general population of Iceland. Thus, the discrepancy between the dialects prevalent in western Norway and the Icelandic intensified in the late medieval period. However, in a greater degree it was due to the remoteness of the Norwegian language from its old type. Novo-Icelandic retained the old system of declension, conjugation of words and and syntax of the language bears the archaic features. Vocabulary neo-Icelandic language involves a lot of tumors, which are based elements of the old and the old words.

Also in language there are borrowings from Danish. Along with this we have the foreign terms used in policy and technology. Written version of the neo-Icelandic language rather not much different from the Old Norse language. Fereysky language was spread on Fereyskih Islands. At fereyskom spoken fairly small number of people, approximately 25000. It is divided into several dialects. There are several ancient monuments of literature and Written fereyskogo language, but official its formation belongs to the 19 th century. Persecution and harassment of fishermen's households by the Danish capitalists, led to that rejection of the Danish language increased. Basis application fereyskogo language in literature are collections of ancient folk songs. Already by 1895 formed spelling language and literary form of language develops more and more. Fereysky language to date, kept in a multitude of archaic features, and much of it happened in the grammar. If we consider all the languages of the Scandinavian group, in some areas, they differ from each other, and in some they have certain similarities, so they are merged into one group.