With the change of the focus of research of great part of the scientific community of Geography in Brazil it disciplines of course it in the classroom also will suffer alterations, therefore an activity does not have to overlap it another one they must walk together, case the common objective is the progress of science. The formation of the professionals of geography must, therefore to take in account all these aspects (geography as science and substance of education) e, stops beyond these, to consider the advance of the geographic knowledge and its popularizao. (CALLAI, 2003, P. 11) the professional of geography beyond having clearly its field of performance must over all have in sight that being it, professor or bachelor, both must act together, side by side. Also knowing that the research must be a constant in the professional life of both.
Having chosen the way of the docncia it will have to be always searching innovations for practical the pedagogical one, being a facilitador of it disciplines in the classroom and the diffusion of the theories of the bacharis permitted ones and. Having chosen the bacharelado one beyond researcher, it can exert positions technician that involve environmental impact reports, remote sensoriamento and other forms of consultoria. About this it emphasizes Callai: That it knows to operate with traditional and the new, the known one and to uncover, that obtains to establish connection the knowledge produced for science to the creative capacity to produce its proper one to know. (Ibid., P. 17) the gegrafo heading does not have, therefore to restrict it who chose this or that way in the area of geography, must all extend that one to it that having qualification in the area produces knowledge geographic, therefore, all have its parcel of contribution in the development of science, are used one more time of the workmanship of Callai to endorse these affirmations: The contribution that geography can give for the knowledge and interpretation of the reality, in the direction to form citizens, is constant concern of who works with the formation.