Tag Archives: geography

Brazil Science

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With the change of the focus of research of great part of the scientific community of Geography in Brazil it disciplines of course it in the classroom also will suffer alterations, therefore an activity does not have to overlap it another one they must walk together, case the common objective is the progress of science. The formation of the professionals of geography must, therefore to take in account all these aspects (geography as science and substance of education) e, stops beyond these, to consider the advance of the geographic knowledge and its popularizao. (CALLAI, 2003, P. 11) the professional of geography beyond having clearly its field of performance must over all have in sight that being it, professor or bachelor, both must act together, side by side. Also knowing that the research must be a constant in the professional life of both.

Having chosen the way of the docncia it will have to be always searching innovations for practical the pedagogical one, being a facilitador of it disciplines in the classroom and the diffusion of the theories of the bacharis permitted ones and. Having chosen the bacharelado one beyond researcher, it can exert positions technician that involve environmental impact reports, remote sensoriamento and other forms of consultoria. About this it emphasizes Callai: That it knows to operate with traditional and the new, the known one and to uncover, that obtains to establish connection the knowledge produced for science to the creative capacity to produce its proper one to know. (Ibid., P. 17) the gegrafo heading does not have, therefore to restrict it who chose this or that way in the area of geography, must all extend that one to it that having qualification in the area produces knowledge geographic, therefore, all have its parcel of contribution in the development of science, are used one more time of the workmanship of Callai to endorse these affirmations: The contribution that geography can give for the knowledge and interpretation of the reality, in the direction to form citizens, is constant concern of who works with the formation.

Roads Not Classified

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Beyond satisfying the necessities of the Railroad and Maritime transports, with the creation of transporting companies with fleets of camies of great tonnage in the regions North, center and South of the country, it contributed significantly for the constant carried load growth in how much in the past this activity it was concentrated particularly in the maritime transports. The scarcity of cabotage ships implied a great dependence of this way of transport on the part of the economic agents with limitations of space and constant delay of sending and reception of merchandises, for such in the 1972 ends, the net of roads totalized 25000km. Of this total, 3375km was alcatroadas that they bound the main urban centers of the south region of the country and throughout the coast. On cities for alcatroadas roads are: Maputo-Xai-Xai; Chkw-Xai-Xai; Xai-Xai-Inhambane-Side; Chimoio-Tete; Nampula-Nacala. Also it has alcatroadas secondary roads in the outskirts of Lichinga and Quelimane. 3,1 Classification of the national roads According to report of the ANE (2004) Moambique has a classified net of 051 roads of 25 km, of which 4 300 km are primary roads, 7 621 km are secondary, and 13 130 km are tertiary. It stops beyond the classified roads still exist not classified district roads and, esteem itself that they perfaam about 9 281 extension km. The total net would correspond therefore about 34 332 km. To see annex (table 1). The present system of classification defines the net of roads as if it follows: 3.1.1 Primary roads? roads that bind to the provincial capitals and the main centers; roads that bind to these centers the bordering ranks and main ports; roads that constitute international corridors, binding the neighboring countries to the ports; 3.1.2 Secondary roads? roads that bind the provincial centers, maritime and fluvial ports, and other econmicas zones of relief, to the provincial capitals or the net of primary roads; 3.1.3 Tertiary roads? roads that bind the district population centers and zones of econmica activity to the national net of roads or a provincial capital; Roads Not Classified that bind villages, or small areas of econmica activity, to the classified net of roads.

General Laws

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Of such models the construction of general laws resulted: bigger objective of modern Geography made use to surpass the studies of the particularitities and the common sense. (HISSA, 2002). In accordance with Capel (1981), two significant events had marked the affirmation of this new Geography: the first one, the publication, in 1953, of an article of Fred K. Schaefer against traditional regional-historicista conception e, as, in 1962, of a workmanship of William Bunge.

Between the related dates a new Geography if established and if it spread out from focos as the University of Iowa, with proper Fred K. Schaefer; the University of Wisconsin, traditional user of statistical methods e, over all, the University of Washington, under the direction of William L. Garrison and of the visit of the Swedish Torsten Hgerstrand, in which if they had formed the notables Brian J.L. Berry, William Bunge and W.R. Tobler, among others.

According to Abreu (2006), the biggest development found for Theoretical and the Quantitative ones, in the United States, if had the participativas university most democratic and, as well as the o development of departments of Geography in Harvard, with William Morris Davis, and in Michigan, with Carl Sauer, beyond already cited. Of the teses developed in such departments, Theoretical and Quantitative Geography appeared. It can be affirmed that the consolidation of the espacialista tradition, understood as a general boarding with methods and applied statistical techniques on the geographic space if had, still, to the abundance of found governmental resources to the disposal of the North American scientific community. (KINGS JNIOR and PEREZ SON, 2008). In relation to the produced knowledge, T. Hargestrand, in Sweden, studied the modifications in agriculture and its relation with the urban and agricultural way. In the United States, W. Bunge was worried about the geometric properties of physical systems e, also, with sciences social and psychology; The Christaller German developed models of hierarquizao of the markets and the retailing.