Or, alternatively, immediately moves to infinity, which, in essence, tantamount to a halt. Make such a stop could be many times over the past century, the history of science. But every time a radical decision to recognize the impotence of science postponed. So why do scientists today, faced with a really serious the problem of justifying the origin and evolution of life must abandon their attempts to find logical, rational decisions? Every once again posed the problem, opening a mistake, a failure of biological science are perceived Creationists with vipers malice and presented as evidence of the truth of their position, their faith. Broadway contains valuable tech resources. In itself, the statement of faith is not quite so noble, not a moral method can not serve as decoration believers. Also, why the availability of scientific problems in the biological theories of confirms the truth of it is the Christian interpretation of the origin of life, rather than, say, a Buddhist? Link to just one of many Religious written sources used to address the critical issue for all humanity, in many ways immoral to millions of people of other religions, or treating the origin of the world and life. I do not think so aggressive promotion of religion in science could be triggered by true servants of the faith, for which the more important problem of morality, rather than actual compliance with those issues or other scientific data content of Religious Manuscripts. Belief in the creation of the world and man – is an integral part of life for millions of people.
Tag Archives: psychology
Latin America
we go in putting in pierced, one behind the other. I find that you remember this my phase well. We start to find that we go to obtain to change any person for transforms it into friend or boyfriend. we go surviving to the disillusionments, always finding that of the next one, it goes to give certain. I find, that it is not well for there. To be happy she is necessary to find somebody and to have children. This is the base of our creation, mainly in Latin America. But it is not truth.
To find somebody is excellent, to have children is wonderful, but they are not guarantees of the happiness that people in such a way look for. As well as having success in the professional life also it is not guarantee you are welcome. To be happy it is beyond these conquests. Good, but everything this age for me a perfect theory, but in practical I wanted my magic prince and my filhinhos. end point. Exactly knowing that the case was not this, it was difficult to accept in the practical one, because I had believed my life all this.
E, in mine in case that, my sisters and brothers were examples of perfect marriages. Because I was only predestinold to the misfortune? I had that to find somebody and the more I looked for, more I I disappeared in relationships nothing to see with me. I yielded, I believed that sapos princes were and ready. was a horrible phase. Today I have clarity of this. People go losing to this and pass not in giving the value to them that really we have. I could be here saying a mount. But at this moment I needed to convince that all the theory that I started to believe my sessions of therapy I was really true.
North America
It enjoys of an irresistible power, one ' ' great prestgiodentro of the seita. Either for its ideas or the work ' ' dedicado' ' in the protection to all; aluso to ' ' primitive father of horda' '. In this case the leadership of L would be of the acquired and purely artificial type. It would incapacitate what it of the question of leadership of the personal type, it would be the fact not to have been corrupted for the important losses for which the original seita passed in year 1977. In this occasion the prophecy of Branham was not marked, therefore the world did not finish. What if it could wait would be the consequent esvaziamento of the doctrine in same it; what it occurred in the North America. However L innovated, it patched the doctrine and it revigorated presenting it proper it, and alone it, as the basic guide, the alive voice of the seventh angel.
The way them individuals to be dragged for the group also characterizes a device. It follows the beginning of ' ' direct induction of emoo' '. It seems that the probable way is ' ' I infect emocional' ' , the load that if intensifies for mutual interaction, feeding the necessity to be well with the majority. From there the sprouting of the fear is justified, of ' ' distrust of the danger of oposio' ' , very clearly in the rejection to the ones of it are of the seita, to not the fidiciary offices, impure as it affirms L, and even though to its next relatives. He would be then ' ' removal of inibies' '? Something visible in the assented isolation it group in such a way in the old and precarious urban headquarters as in the provincial small farm. ' ' sugesto' ' it would be present in the unquestioned acceptance of the pregaes of L? It is possible, since the doctrine follows exactly firm without the fulfilment of no apocalyptic prophecy.
Where it starts and until where the ethics go; in ethical terms the religion turns toward the education and the perfectioning of the man who searchs the sanctity of God. He is well-known that it, the religion, has, brought a great moral progress for the humanity; therefore its theological concepts strengthen its interpretation. The ethical ideals in turn, remake the idea of living in harmony with the nature attempting against for the criteria of the morality and the reason and the freedom, that consists of the preservation of the rights of the man as an agent in the organization process, not being it, therefore exempt of the fulfilment of its duties nor other people’s to its rights for the equality between all, longing for a social life more joust and more human being, a true concern with the future. However, a ethical-social reflection of our days it characterizes the alarming moment where all the advance became moral, therefore it does not have participation; thus being the ethics one becomes impossible ahead of the freedom and of the fatality, but, it does not have what it does not finish esbarrando in the ethics, that are come back here toward the dominador God. In the presented text some philosophers point themselves whose concern with the ethics and to decide the contradictions between: necessity x possibility; time x eternity: individual social x; economic moral x; corporal psychic x; natural cultural x; intelligence x will. Mark and kierkegaard present two contributions for these times: for mark the action human being is defined in work and technique, not accepting the domain of the man for the proper man, in the second present o must be understood as the instant of the decision; the good and the evil now come to describe the moral behavior that still is defined in moral conscience; its autonomy for intermediary knowing itself that for each one situation it exists attitudes to be taken e, each one of them take in account the ethical language. To act eticamente is to act well and not badly, not having, therefore to be distracted how much to this choice; yes to act normally, with respect to attitudes it points three where concrete ethics do not ignore: ' ' The family: demonstrating to the great latent reformularization necessity in what parents x dirigem themselves to the relationship children; rights and the duties of all componentes.' ' The civil society: it appears portraying the picture clamorous of the social injustice: where it has wealth of few and poverty of many; domain, power and I privilege, the work and the property pertinentes.' is factors; ' State: it presents great problems of inaquality between the social classrooms; exploration. Therefore the medias contribute for the passivity of the citizen when only it hears not having the chance to interact and to participate, thus each time is felt more impotent. Therefore, never it discards the flowing possibilities of an awareness that will be extended by means of society cultures values morality – to be ethical religion consciences freedom duties reality