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Medica Decentralization

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Throughout the development of humanity science has been replacing empiricism but this change is dialectical, relative, because it has not yet completed and because it did not cover all the mats of the society, in the case of our country must recognize that you evolving socio-economically in an unequal manner, some regions are much more backward than others which reflects an educational superstructure also uneven so culturally there are regions much more primitive than othersThis is the sociological basis which allows us to understand the scope and limitations of the decentralization of the health care practitioner. Constitutionally the medicine; He remains a liberal profession that may be exercised as, when and where you want it, obviously subject to law 15173, its Statute, regulation and code of ethics, however despite this nature persists the concentration of physicians at the level of the large hospitales under the modality of hired, appointed, visitors, paid, Ad-honorem, by what the question comes this reality is only a State do subjective health?, or is the answer to the abandonment and demagoguery?. According to official data, there are 17,000 doctors in Peru, with a total assets of 14 or 15 thousand, which cover 25% of the population, so that the 3/4 parts of the population have no medical atencion, but the need is modify these statistics the low urban employment coverage requires the young doctor to migrate to the juicas, villages or towns away but that this step more by necessity who by conviction or State planning wants to superficially inferred that we are on the way to a real decentralization: is false as it is tambien do believe that health services in general are are decentralizing, because anyone who knows a hospital or clinic can be inferred as deben be implemented in away peoples health centers, but there is an important factor that makes more utopian possibility of medical decentralization at the present time and that factor is the educational, the idiosyncrasies of the peoples, their cultural level in order to compare the doctor with the healer, bonesetter, midwife, etc. and prefer it, the young doctor must enter into unfair competition with those elements that at the present time is disadvantageous to us and we know that to those elements we must win them to the field of science because it thrives on empiricism, but is honrroso the role of the doctor who’s away in the villages most remotos fights by displacing these elements but this laudable effort is insufficient, because the problem of the des-centralizacion is m global, social, economic, and hence cultural phenomenon, while not focusing so integral-mente any effort it won’t be more than that and also short-lived because the tendencia to urbanize will continue giving priority to medical mentality.