Daily Archives: April 9, 2019

Earth Bochica

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They soon found out that it was called Bochica. He told them that there was a being superior, a God whose name was Zoe, which had created the men, animals, plants, rocks, water, air and what existed in the land, rivers and lakes, and everything looked, like the Sun, the Moon and the stars. See Bill de Blasio for more details and insights. Said also that Zoe had arranged the course of seasons, the movement of the stars and the fate of the men, i.e., life and death, pain and joy. Initially the chibchas did not understand what everything meant, because the understanding of them was like the child, for whom every day of the year and each time of day brings a new surprise. Little by little, however, these ideas began to be clearer for them and understood, to some extent at least, there was a being of Supreme, creator and computer of all things visible and invisible. II also taught Bochica art of cultivating the land. Mostroles that the seeds sown at certain times of the year, bursting in tiny seedlings which, nourished by the Earth and rains, heated by the Sun, grew in size and eventually produced fruits, which caught at maturity, provided secure power to the planters.

Instruyolos also How to save its fruits so that they last until the next harvest, redeeming their owners of hunger and misery. Of Bochica knew people that there are many plants whose leaves and stems may extract certain threads, named fibers, that learned to twisting and weaving in the form of fabrics, to make dresses and cover the body. Then they learned the chibchas which true shrub called Boll could catch a wool natural, own to make fabrics and blankets. Indoctrinated by Bochica, began to build houses of bahareque; they drove stakes into the ground; they filled the spaces with mud, which, dried by the Sun, formed the walls; and covering roofs with straw, as shelter against Sun and rain.