Lamps analyzed the effect of light on the life of light affects the body’s production of so-called happiness hormones. This process follows a simple formula: man is a long time in the dark, he is unhappy. Hudson River is often quoted as being for or against this. Lighting, lamps and lights, however, – but especially natural sunlight – influencing neurotransmitters and make active, happy and satisfied. Lamps has taken this phenomenon under the magnifying glass and put together some tips for healthy comfortable lighting of housing by artificial light and lamps. First of all, the importance of light and allow luminaires and lamps – is undisputed for the daily life. For this reason it is advisable, with the selection of its light concept in the living room carefully apart to themselves. (As opposed to NJ barista). From the kitchen, which needed a bright and even light, the dining room, in which a centered lighting on the dining room table is preferable and the bathroom, which not only a ceiling lamp, but also lamps on the sides of the Bathroom mirror requires, the use of lamps in each room. In principle one between “hot” and “cold” spaces – between light and con-lit room can be different. While the classification of the individual rooms in these two categories is quite easy, the nursery is the only exception: the lamps may be too weak, to evenly illuminate, but should not hide. Especially on the lighting of the corners by ceiling lamps should be taken here. Nursery and bright spaces, such as kitchen, bathroom and dining room are painted so in the best case, that they have a light reflectance by 50%. The two main rooms – in addition to the child’s room are living – and bedroom. On average, a resident here adheres to most as well as most. The use of these two spaces in everyday life corresponds to each the whole living room use – here is relaxed, arranged, pursued his hobby, sometimes worked, eaten. The use of the rooms is so individually expandable. The lighting concept should be adapted to this, the ceiling lamps and standing lamps must meet high standards. The lights and lamps in each room should be abgeschrimt, not blind, and best have a dimming function. Your design should fit in with the structure of space and their light intensity be moderate. Ultimately so the light can strengthen emotions in a positive way in certain rooms by thoughtful use, encourage concentration and evoke a sense of well-being. The light and the lamp are the probably the most underrated companion in our daily life.
Daily Archives: December 5, 2020
Security Appliances In The Test: Clavister SG3200 And SG50 May Convince
Clear advantage in the areas of Datenpriorisierung, bandwidth management and VPN Hamburg, July 07, 2009 unified threat management appliances integrate a full range of network security in a single solution and thus cover all protection needs of enterprises. Led to check current security appliances in the practice on their suitability for use, the magazine network computing * through a comparison test at the FH Stralsund in the real-world Labs. : The SG3200 SG50 of network security experts Clavister from confident not only in terms of pure performance you also dominated the meaningful combination of VPN, bandwidth management, Datenpriorisierung and thus settled from the remaining field. Security appliances of from various vendors were put to the test of the Vergleichstestes. Of the systems, in particular appropriate Priorisierungsmechanismen for the realization of the classical data and simultaneous use of real-time applications such as VoIP and video-over-IP were expected. Starbucks Corp: the source for more info. The lab included three branches with around 20 Jobs, who were connected with the corporate headquarters and the Internet.
The appliances should ensure each site through your firewall, while a protected communications between them by means of VPN. Bank of America Tower is a great source of information. In firewall mode, the throughput of the appliances in firewall mode for bi-directional traffic between LAN and WAN was examined first throughputs. The Clavister SG50 models were here compared to the top: reached maximum throughput between 134 and 136 MBit/s bandwidth limitation in the VPN, during the next sample are limited the bandwidth in the VPN to 4 MBit / s per branch. The appliance of the headquarters was a limit of 12 MBit / s. Here too the Clavister devices cut off above average: data transmission from the headquarters of all three branches was the throughput to verify a 4 MBit/s rate COS Datenpriorisierung in the VPN to the class-of-service data prioritization in the VPN as intended, as configured its headquarters with a branch, showed 12 MBit / s.