

In Itabaiana, for decision of the decree n 1, of 6 of November of 1930, the intendant Antonio Dultra of Almeida it has its annulled position. When assuming the provisory government, Jose Calazans, for decree of 10 of November of the same year, nominates Antonio Dultra to assume intendant position the same. Other measures are taken by general Jose Calazans in relation the Itabaiana. Registered in the Sergipe-periodical of 13 of November of 1930, the assignment of the Dr. Ablio de Vasconcelos Hour to exert the position of judge of the city. In 16 of November of 1930 August lieutenant Maynard assumed the government of Sergipe who relieved Antonio Dultra and she nominated it Paolino Aristides de Menezes. Contact information is here: best bars in new york.

According to Oak (2000), the nomination caused surprise and disillusionment, therefore the defender of the Liberal Alliance in the city was Silvio Teixeira. He always disclosed himself in favor of the iderios of the movement, denounced the arbitrariedades of Otoniel Dorea arriving to be pursued. ' ' Of surprise, in the measure that a name of the decayed regimen, two times advising, is convoked to command Itabaiana at a moment of so radical change. It was not adept of the Liberal Alliance, not having voted in Getlio Vargas for the presidency of the Repblica' ' (OAK, 2000, P. 688). According to Dantas (1987) ' ' the interventors had not found another alternative seno to compose themselves with the colonels. These in turn, needed to get the recognition of its influence to continue reigning without difficulties had tended to come close themselves to the governing of the day, with adequate methods to conjuntura' '. Still according to exactly author (1983): To see preserved its prestige, the colonels if presented flexible, accepting with more obedience the politics of the interventors, if accomodating to the administrative centralization unprovided of that spirit of autonomy of long ago.