Tag Archives: history


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In Itabaiana, for decision of the decree n 1, of 6 of November of 1930, the intendant Antonio Dultra of Almeida it has its annulled position. When assuming the provisory government, Jose Calazans, for decree of 10 of November of the same year, nominates Antonio Dultra to assume intendant position the same. Other measures are taken by general Jose Calazans in relation the Itabaiana. Registered in the Sergipe-periodical of 13 of November of 1930, the assignment of the Dr. Ablio de Vasconcelos Hour to exert the position of judge of the city. In 16 of November of 1930 August lieutenant Maynard assumed the government of Sergipe who relieved Antonio Dultra and she nominated it Paolino Aristides de Menezes. Contact information is here: best bars in new york.

According to Oak (2000), the nomination caused surprise and disillusionment, therefore the defender of the Liberal Alliance in the city was Silvio Teixeira. He always disclosed himself in favor of the iderios of the movement, denounced the arbitrariedades of Otoniel Dorea arriving to be pursued. ' ' Of surprise, in the measure that a name of the decayed regimen, two times advising, is convoked to command Itabaiana at a moment of so radical change. It was not adept of the Liberal Alliance, not having voted in Getlio Vargas for the presidency of the Repblica' ' (OAK, 2000, P. 688). According to Dantas (1987) ' ' the interventors had not found another alternative seno to compose themselves with the colonels. These in turn, needed to get the recognition of its influence to continue reigning without difficulties had tended to come close themselves to the governing of the day, with adequate methods to conjuntura' '. Still according to exactly author (1983): To see preserved its prestige, the colonels if presented flexible, accepting with more obedience the politics of the interventors, if accomodating to the administrative centralization unprovided of that spirit of autonomy of long ago.

United States

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Four bases of launching are in operation in the Chinese territory: the Centers of Launchings of Satellite of Jiuquan (of where the manned missions had broken all), Xichang, Taiyuan and Wenchang, all subordinate to the CNSA (SPACEDAILY, 2010). SIMILARITIES WITH THE SPACE PROGRAM RUSSIAN the target of the Chinese space program presents great similarities with the Russian space program, over all of the initial time of this, as much in systems as in methodology. As it happened in the first years of the Soviet space program, the first chosen Chinese to go up to the space are, not only military, but you officiate of the Air Force (SPACEFACTS, 2010a, 2010b and 2010e). Ademais, even so the Chinese space program is declared pacific, the management happens in military scope, as in the Soviet space program (WALNUT, 2005). This is the main factor so that, as well as in the case of Russia, it has a concern in launching satellites of espionage, whose purpose is the attainment of images of the terrestrial surface, over all of considered nations enemy. In this particular o it programs space Chinese in common presents something also with the United States, Germany, Anger, Israel, among others (BROWN, 2008).

In 2008 China blew up one of its proper ones satellites, using for this one sets placed in orbit. It was an episode where the concern of China in testing a weapon in the space was clear, although officially to place itself against the militarization of the space as participant of treated against the proliferation to weapons in orbit (BROWN, 2008). But also some similarity with the Russian space program is observed here. In the reality, although to make question to affirm public that they were pacifist in terms of space exploration, the Russians? as well as the North Americans? , in some occasions they had carried through military experiences in orbit.

Brazilian Bourgeois

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Werneck Sodr initiates its analysis, looking for to focar the Brazilian bourgeoisie; with a theoretical quarrel, it searchs to point the difficulty in if thinking Brazil of original and efficient form. Sodr considers that the main difficulty for the study of the Brazilian bourgeoisie is conceptual. Therefore the concepts appear at times and definitive places and are inadequate have other times, places, other histories. Sodr affirms that while will not have new concepts, the use of the old ones becomes necessary, but it points the necessity of new concepts, for the knowledge of differentiated realities. Therefore in its history of the bourgeoisie it looks for to make a conceptual quarrel that distinguished the job from the marxist concepts in differentiated realities. In its considered book pioneering, it admits the existence of imperfections, however it searchs to make an interpretation, therefore its desire was to know the paper of the national bourgeoisie in the Brazilian revolution; a scientific study and increase time directed toward the changes of Brazil. When working the discovery of Brazil, it it points out in the context of transistion of the feudalismo to the capitalism in the Europe. The production relations still were predominantly feudal; although it had to transform.

Sodr affirms that &#039 was one; ' feudal society that discovered the Brasil' '. In Brazil the way of escravista production predominated; a specific, modern escravismo and not-classic. Thus we notice a colonial expansion daily pay-capitalist coexisting with the feudalismo; a relation of feudal production that had coexisted and occurred to the escravismo. In 1945 the history of Brazil will suffer to radicals reinterpretaes in some trends. The predominant subject was to the changes, the transistion of the society based on the agrarian capitalism for the society based on the industrial capitalism and the characterized Brazilian revolution as bourgeois. An analysis of interpretation of Brazil after II the War, the fall of Vargas, the ascension of the Ussr and the United States.

The Property

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Already the extinction of the thing and the dispossession are involuntary ways, that is, the proprietor loses the thing for other people’s reasons the will of it. Let us see what it interests in them: LOSS OF THE PROPERTY FOR EXTINCTION: Leaving of estimated that it does not have possibility to exist a Right that does not fall again into an object is applied here the principle of the Roman law? Inexisting the object, the Right inexists. That is, the basic requirement to understand the loss of the property for extinction is the entailing of the Right to the object. In the case of loss of the property for extinction of the thing, we can speak in decurrent extinction of involuntary if resultant act of natural events as earthquakes, rays, fires, or decurrent of voluntary acts as the destruction. Partial extinction: The term most correct when speaking of partial extinction would be Deterioration, that is the same that reduction of the property.

As deterioration example, we can think about a proprietor of a reproductive ox, that is movables, from the moment that the ox not to reproduce more, we consider the deterioration of the thing, therefore it does not lose the thing entire, and alone a quality of the thing. If the ox died, would be extinction of the thing. The total Extinction is loss cause, irreparable loss and definitive of the property, that happens for climatic events, as we speak above, avalanches, earthquakes, tsunamis and etc. We can cite the example of a proprietor of an island and this is shrunk, that is, taken for the sea, thus making it to disappear and its proprietor to lose the power that had on it. We conclude then, the property right falls again on some thing, some good, and inexisting the object, the right inexists that had on it.

Cities Kadom

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And further in note 86: "On this and Prince A. Ukoviche mentioned in the latest Ryazan treaties Cities Kadom, Temnikov, Elat were area "From given material can be assumed that Temnikov, as evidenced by nm Karamzin in the above footnote 86 to 5 to the "History of the Russian State, a member of area and bought Dmitry Donskoy in Alexander Ukovicha existed as a settlement already in those days, ie in 1380-ies. But if we assume that Temnikov was already at that time, it is obvious that there was he certainly earlier. However, the exact date when the city has not yet found. There is another interesting document. In the "History of the ussr from ancient times to the Great October Revolution" is a map entitled "Association of Russian lands around Moscow in the xiv – xv mid-century." On this map Temnikov shown and included in the territory included in the grand duchy of Moscow in 1393. Well-known researcher of the Tambov province, pn Chermensky wrote: " the city Elatma, Kadom, Temnikov are among the oldest city of Tambov Region. Of these, Kadom mentioned in the pages of the chronicles in 1209 When founded two other city not known for certain Some researchers have stories Temnikova doubts about the fact that the settlement item transferred to a new location in 1536, called Temnikova. But in the extract from the "Russian Chronicles" was unequivocal: " in its third summer, before the city Temnikov to another place

Jack Tressider

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Here is what the ancestors of the egg. Some of his called copper, or Armenian, or stone (Pierre d'Armenie), others – a brain stone, and stone, the fourth Egyptian stone, the fifth – a picture of the world …. Varbedian wondering what was doing Armenia, and even in the vicinity of the copper, who author of the manuscript, who referred to these ancestors, where and when they heard of Armenia, which in the Middle Ages in Europe was simply a province and who took it into his head to compare it with the famous Egyptian? As we can see Varbedian annoyed misses the field of view of the relationship between the concepts of "Serpent's Egg," "philosophical egg," "universal egg" and "Armenian stone" kontsetriruya his attention to the mention of copper, although he himself, in his book on the occasion of the stops on the to the existence of snake worship in Armenia. Obviously in medieval Europe was still hear the echo of the ancient past and Armenia continued to communicate with inaccessible source of wisdom and secret knowledge. It is possible for all it sheds light vysskazyvanie Helena Blavatsky, "The serpent has always been a symbol of the Adept and his immortal powers and divine knowledge." Jack Tressider stated – "Snake is the most important and complicated of all the characters embodied in the animals, possibly the oldest of them .. ". This can talk forever, but not in a newspaper article, and therefore we only note that the current negative image of the snake as a wily and cunning villains, formed only mainly in the era of Christianity and is closely connected with the biblical parable of the serpent tempter, and penetrated into Christianity with the Jewish world view according to which the serpent has always been the enemy of the Jews.

All of the above enough to be considered proved that the self-Armenian hay is directly related to the snake god shemerskomu Haya. However, we have something that can convince even the most hardcore skeptics! And so we discovered the identity of the name of Sumerian-Akkadian god Snake Haya c endoethnonym Armenians – hay, and pointed to the existence of snake worship in ancient Armenia, finally to hammer the last nail, we have to just remember that the word Snake on the Assyrian harman (a), of which actually does the name Armenia. Thus I think that I have given clear evidence that the name of self and the Armenians are directly related to most ancient cult of the god of wisdom and secret knowledge in the form of snakes. I think at the same time proved that the dominant until today in the scientific community of the origin of the Armenians have outlived themselves, erroneously regarded as Armenian language in the area common Indo-in the form in which this discipline is developing, as well as the claim that further development of these disciplines separately as and Abstracts of Armenology maloplodotvorny and finally now impossible to say that the Armenians is alien nomads of the Balkans. New discoveries about the language, origin, symbolism and the role of Armenians in the historical process does not end there. It's time to rewrite history! Arman Revazian Book 'Makarats'

Eisenhower Army

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German troops from the 27th division resisted the Allied landing . They kept the defense on the line of so-called Atlantic shaft, which stretched along the northern coast of Europe from Denmark to Spain. Hitler and his associates believed that the Allied invasion will occur in the Strait of Pas-de-Calais – the bottleneck of the English Channel. Therefore, the landing Anglo-American forces in Normandy was a complete surprise to Hitler’s headquarters. Allied air raids on the massive commit major centers of enemy communications. On the eve of the Normandy invasion from the air destroyed 82 railway site of strategic importance, thus depriving the Germans the ability to quickly maneuver to transfer reserves and reinforcements to the threatened areas.

Despite difficult weather conditions, operation ‘Overlord’ began June 6 at 6:00 am. The effect of surprise had been achieved in full, Also on this day in France there was no German commander Rommel, who went to Germany, which also contributed to the disruption of the defensive efforts fascists. After the occupation of Normandy, the Allies launched an offensive on Paris, which is clear from the Germans helped them insurgents Parisians and poppies – the French partisans. Then the allied troops on several fronts launched an offensive in southern France. Eisenhower Army soon found themselves on the German border. Here, the Allies had to get acquainted with the fact that such a panic fear of sabotage in the rear, when the communication line for Front acts disguised enemy, ready to go on murder, arson, explosions …

In Rio De Janeiro

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After the Second War, a group of families who had arrived in Santa Catarina in 1930, had been fixed in Bag, between 1949 and 1951, locking in there the German migration. In 23 of August of 1825, it was organized movement of national release of Uruguay and its annexation to the Argentine provinces, against the agrarian politics for the great proprietors of Montevidu and of Brazil. In day 25, in the Congress of Flowery, the independence of the territory was declared, to join it the Joined Provinces of the River of the Silver, under the approval of the government of Buenos Aires. In Rio De Janeiro, Filipe ambassador Leopoldo Wenzel, Baron of Mareschal, of Austria, considered the British intervention in search of the peace. In 12 of October of 1825, Blessed Gonalves Da Silva, with 37 years, commanded the cavalry in the battle of Sarandi against the Joined Provinces, and the Brazilian consulate was attacked in Buenos Aires in day 29. In 7 of April of 1831, nine years after Independence, D.

Peter I abdicated of the Imperial Crown of Brazil for the son five year Peter de Alcntara Joo Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocdio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga, returned for Portugal leaving the guardianship with Jose Bonifcio de Andrada Hisses up to 1833 and with Manuel Incio de Andrade Bigger Souto, marquis of Itanham, up to 1840. Acclaimed according to emperor of Brazil to the six years, it assumed the throne in 18 of June of 1841, when it counted fifteen years, with the heading of D. Peter II. Approached for the masonry in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, in 1832, Blessed colonel Gonalves Da Silva much friend of Juan Antonio woollen Lavalleja y Tower, supplied military aid with the ammunition, weapons, provisions and men, in the combat to the government of Jose Fructuoso Rivera, which took to the knowledge of Manuel de Almeida Vasconcelos, person in charge business-oriented of the Empire of Brazil, in Montevidu.