

Where it starts and until where the ethics go; in ethical terms the religion turns toward the education and the perfectioning of the man who searchs the sanctity of God. He is well-known that it, the religion, has, brought a great moral progress for the humanity; therefore its theological concepts strengthen its interpretation. The ethical ideals in turn, remake the idea of living in harmony with the nature attempting against for the criteria of the morality and the reason and the freedom, that consists of the preservation of the rights of the man as an agent in the organization process, not being it, therefore exempt of the fulfilment of its duties nor other people’s to its rights for the equality between all, longing for a social life more joust and more human being, a true concern with the future. However, a ethical-social reflection of our days it characterizes the alarming moment where all the advance became moral, therefore it does not have participation; thus being the ethics one becomes impossible ahead of the freedom and of the fatality, but, it does not have what it does not finish esbarrando in the ethics, that are come back here toward the dominador God. In the presented text some philosophers point themselves whose concern with the ethics and to decide the contradictions between: necessity x possibility; time x eternity: individual social x; economic moral x; corporal psychic x; natural cultural x; intelligence x will. Mark and kierkegaard present two contributions for these times: for mark the action human being is defined in work and technique, not accepting the domain of the man for the proper man, in the second present o must be understood as the instant of the decision; the good and the evil now come to describe the moral behavior that still is defined in moral conscience; its autonomy for intermediary knowing itself that for each one situation it exists attitudes to be taken e, each one of them take in account the ethical language. To act eticamente is to act well and not badly, not having, therefore to be distracted how much to this choice; yes to act normally, with respect to attitudes it points three where concrete ethics do not ignore: ' ' The family: demonstrating to the great latent reformularization necessity in what parents x dirigem themselves to the relationship children; rights and the duties of all componentes.' ' The civil society: it appears portraying the picture clamorous of the social injustice: where it has wealth of few and poverty of many; domain, power and I privilege, the work and the property pertinentes.&#039 is factors; ' State: it presents great problems of inaquality between the social classrooms; exploration. Therefore the medias contribute for the passivity of the citizen when only it hears not having the chance to interact and to participate, thus each time is felt more impotent. Therefore, never it discards the flowing possibilities of an awareness that will be extended by means of society cultures values morality – to be ethical religion consciences freedom duties reality