

Already the independent moral is characterized for the igualitria contribution, where the mutual respect is preponderant factor and where feelings of the good and responsibilities sprout (PIAGET, apud PUIG, 1998). Therefore, the rules are decurrent of a cooperative and dialgico work, what rare the educational one occurs in modern societies that live exhaustingly for the work, without time for the social one and. The anomie, absence of norms or rules, that, according to Piaget, last since the birth until the five or six years of age, do not favor the child to accept that all game or trick and, therefore, all social relation if structure in rules. For Piaget the child, in this phase, needs affection, ternura, affection, understanding of not, the clear limits, the coherence in the affectivity that it delivery. The binomial delivers/collection implies in the ticket of the more important and essential moral recital, that is of the security. Of gradual form, the moral realism of the EGO is surpassed next to the representacional egocentrismo, therefore from the moment that the child starts to decide for proper itself, understanding and analyzing the rules in a perspective of universal, independent validity of the immediate ideas, it starts to be independent.

… The development of the morality walks in the direction of the construction of periods of training of autonomy, when the citizen understands that the source of the rules is in proper itself, in its capacity as legislator of the rules, but always if relating in the other. (Arajo, 1999, P. 32) FINAL CONSIDERAES Are evident that the requirements of the SUPEREGO if almost always oppose to the desires of the ID. This conflict happens directly in the EGO, since as much the ID as SUPEREGO look for to format the EGO in accordance with its proper requirements or desires. Normally what the EGO makes is to look one commitment solution satisfies that them, even so partially. A mature EGO normally obtains to find this formula conciliatory, which, so that she is really valid, must also have in account the ambient reality. For Freud (1999), the personality basically consists of this conflict between the instinctive desires and the interiorizadas norms of the society.

Conflict this that, if uncurls in the great scene consisting of the mutual relation between the EGO and the ambient reality. The present article objectified to present aspects of the moral development of the EGO in the individual. However, the morality is not a value that is born with the child, before, is a system of rules acquired e, therefore, its construction is purely social. Exactly for this fact it is that if it becomes difficult a necessary analysis of what results of the content of the rules and what comes from the respect of the child for its parents or society.