We could define excessive night sweating as a sensation of flushing that occurs during the night, which begins in the head and upper part of the trunk and then spreads to the entire body. Sweating is so important that moistens pajamas and sheets. Excessive night sweating appears even if the room temperature is fresh and the person is not warm. This problem causes several drawbacks to the person who suffers, since it disrupts your sleep, often must change clothes and sheets, and some nights the sweating may occur more than once. Among the most common causes of excessive night sweating are:-menopausal. It is very common in menopausal women suffer from hot flashes, can often take place at night.
This phenomenon is due to the decline in the level of estrogens in blood, which also causes other symptoms. All can be solved with pills troop estrogens. This medication must be ordered by a physician. -Hyperthyroidism. It is an excess in the production of thyroid hormones. Consult your doctor, who will use an appropriate treatment to solve the problem. -Bacterial or viral infections. When the infection is cured hot flashes disappear.
-Hypoglycaemic episodes. Diabetic patients who are treated with oral hypoglycaemic or insulin, can suffer episodes of hypoglycemia, especially at night, accompanied by abundant sweating. -Drugs. Some antidepressants may have excessive night sweating as a side effect. You can help control this problem use cotton sheets, cotton pajamas, or natural fibers, which allow the movement of air over the skin, evaporating sweat and avoiding this accumulate. If possible, try to circulate air in the bedroom, open a window, leave the door open, or place a fan or air conditioning. There are natural remedies for excessive sweat. So, you can combat your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can prepare at home. If you want to delete your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for excessive sweat. Original author and source of the article.