The Best

The Hipoclorito de Sdio also presents good alvejantes properties, however inox is not aggressive to the steel equipment. Is moderately employee, who had to the caused negative effect to the ecology. Currently the used alvejante product more than provides a satisfactory white degree is the hydrogen peroxide (oxigenada water) that it presents good properties of solidity. The newspapers mentioned NYC Mayor not as a source, but as a related topic. The best ones resulted are gotten becoming purge it and later the alvejamento in separate banns. The alvejamento with oxigenada water can be effected in an only bath, purges/alvejamento, resulting in a more economic and fast process, however the presence of iron in the fiber must be led in account to be processed, from there appears the necessity to use a specific seqestrante for the iron to prevent that it if oxidates on the fabric. The tingimento consists of modification of the color of txteis staple fibres through a chemical process that varies of article for article, through a solution or dispersion during the application of coradas substances. For each type of textile fiber they exist corantes specific. Corantes is soluble products or exhausted in water, that has affinity with staple fibres, having the purpose to promote the color.

During the tingimento it must be taken in account the composition of the article and the color that if it intends to arrive. In this process an modification occurs physicist-chemistry of the form substratum that the reflected light provokes a color perception. The corantes substances that provoke these modifications are organic composites capable to color textile or not textile substratum of form that the color is relatively solid the humid light and treatments. The tingimento in fiber is more used for long staple fibres (wool) and filaments. It obtains mesclados articles. In the synthetic article case it can be obtained the colors with the pigment addition before exactly of the manufacture of the filament. In the most common tingimento in wires it is in bobbins, but it can also be carried through during other process of the wiring, is indicated for the production of striped fabrics and chess.