Meridians And Collaterals Concept And Training

Concept and formation of the system of meridians and the concept of meridians and collaterals Colaterales meridians (Jing) and collateral (Luo) are the routes by which the Qi and blood circulation.These form a specific network that communicates with the internal organs and extremities, and connects the top to the bottom and the outside to the inside of the body.The meridians are the main channels of the system and run along the body inside of it.The collateral are the branches of meridians and run transversely from the meridians either inside or just below the surface of the body.Seen that they are distributed throughout the body, meridians and collaterals linking the Zang-Fu with other organs, the holes in the body, skin, muscles and bones. Both meridians and collateral they harnessed the body into an organic whole to carry out the various activities of the Agency. CThe composition of the meridians and colateralesEl system of meridians system consists of the twelve meridians main and curious eight vessels or extraordinary meridians, as well as the associated parties, i.e. twelve divergent channels, twelve tendino-muscular meridians, and twelve cutaneous regions. There are twelve regular meridians: the three yin meridians of the hand, three Meridian Yin’s foot, the three yang meridians of the hand, and the three yang meridians of the foot.The twelve regular meridians are called since they are the main ways by which move the Qi and blood.The twelve regular meridians begin and end at specific sites, run along the marked routes and found and interwoven in a specific sequence.These are also associated with each of the Zang-Fu organs.While they say that there are twelve regular meridians, in fact, these twelve meridians are duplicated when they are symmetrically on both sides of the body.There are eight extraordinary meridians or curious vessels: namely, Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yinqiao, Yangqiao, Yinwei and Yangwei meridians.The eight extraordinary meridians are intertwined with the twelve meridians regular, thus helping to strengthen the communication and adjustment between them.The eight extraordinary meridians are not directly related to any of the internal organs.