Warning Waldorf of Frommer for his film work ‘ warm bodies’ on behalf of the tele Munchen TV GmbH + Co production company have one warning the watchdog firm Waldorf of Frommer for the illegal download / upload, so due to file sharing, because you have committed alleged copyright infringement, get? Not decay in panic. What can be done about it? “We lawyers tend to answer such a question always Yes: it depends on”. It actually depends on what circumstances have prevailed previously in your household. Generally, the connection owner for the alleged infringement of copyright is liable third parties according to the legal presumption at least as troublemakers. He must be so active and within the framework of the so-called secondary burden of discourse explain one, why not he, but may be any third party likely committed the alleged and claimed copyright infringement. Already at this point, it is important to seek advice from a qualified attorney for copyright. “Good keyword: what can I do?” Note that take extremely usually briefly held period carefully you not contact the watchdog Office on signing you nothing, you pay nothing no so-called modified cease and desist from the Internet download find the advice of a qualified attorney for copyright and there a specialist for warning due to sharing the latest legislation and the corresponding new jurisprudence of AGs in Munich and Hamburg rapidly to the benefit of the Internet user developed. It a greater harm, can be at least the amount limit. In many cases, the demands of the industrial firms can be eliminated completely. Georg Schafer Attorney
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