Tag Archives: literature


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Soon, it agrees to cismar of this prudish reporter who, to the small, corcoveia mouth esganiado in rompantes of acrimoniosa sinecure. Already vi very of this here in this arraial. Inept citizens showing with pride the laziest brazeness, that leave to bestar for this and others many stoppings, proclaiming indecorosas sandices, true tresloucados doidivanas. Costumam to prosear in bodegas where, between a sip and another one, they leave the astray language and they give wide reins to the most vile indecencies.

Dehydrated people of raisable and moral procedure, thundering gabolices to the chill of the smoothness, coitadinha, that cora languidly when looking the estertores of the damaged elegance. I only deposit confidence in what I listen of believed people, who have firmness of attitudes and imerecidos unattachable character reproches. The tropeiro Vicento, that travels there pras very bands of the Hinterland of the Rotten Flour, is recognized for unquestionable probity of its chats and the businesses that its position takes. Nobody in these roads and arraiais can say tantinho thus to try to confront it to it behavior or to diminish the attributes that it sobejamente exhibits! It always stops here in this arraial to prosear and to bebericar good sips of cachaa manufactured by its godfather, the Firmino of the Bodega. Not wise person not? The Firmino is godfather of it, baptism and crisma! if Vicento to find for these times a good young woman with intention to promote one enlace? to join the rags, if one may use the expression here -, the Firmino, with all the certainty, will be also the godfather of the casrio. This I do not doubt! Even because the Firmino very desires to see the godson if to marry, to constitute family, to have a capricious wife who watches over of it with devotion.

Regina Zilbermam

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The third professor will be identified by the letter C, feminine sex, 32 years, has a steady union, superior level, 11 years of permanence in the teaching, disciplines leciona them of Portuguese and English in 9, in the turns morning and late, answered all the questionnaires. The interviewed room, that will be identified by the letter D, also of the feminine sex, 25 years, bachelor, incomplete superior level, with 1 year of time in the teaching, lecionando currently you discipline them of Portuguese in 4 and 5 year of the Basic I, in the turn of the morning.> Made these procedures, the quarrels of the results will be made through the gotten questionings, in which the data gotten and compared with the vises of some writers will be analyzed as: Antonio Candido, Regina Zilbermam, Clcio Bunzen and others, thus constituting, the development of the present article. Quarrel of the Results: The research was carried through in the city of Frecheirinha-CE, having as public target 4 professors of 4 to 9 year of the basic education of the public and private net, as already it was cited previously. A questionnaire was applied contends 4 subjective questions in which we look for to detect the vision of the professor on literature, as it is worked in the which, classroom the main didactic resources used and importance of this for the learning formation. (A valuable related resource: NYC Mayor). The results of the research will be analyzed and divulged below. literature comes to supply the necessity of the reading for the majority of the pupils that does not have the habit to read. with this will go to improve in such a way in the reading as in the text production. Of this form literature is seen as an incentive for reading, but the professor does not have to become attached itself to this function, therefore literature can provide many knowledge, and it has the mission to show this for the pupils.

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