Tag Archives: people

Almighty Bochica

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Bochica taught them also to construr most suitable networks that the they had to catch fish in the lakes and rivers and to build better bows and arrows to kill hunting in the forests and the birds in the air. So was that the life of the chibchas changed aspect completely shortly after, and because it already had dresses, comfortable houses and abundance of food. In all directions the sown fields of grains grew, and people lived happy and satisfied. III. not limited to what was said the teachings of Bochica: ensenole also to the people the law of love and charity; ordenoles that keep the peace among themselves and with their neighbours; that to each which is respected as its own what they win with their work; that would help every one to the welfare of others; and they obedeciesen to their sovereign and to respect the laws established for the Government of the community. Bochica assured them that as soon as they live according to what had been taught them, they would be happy and would enjoy the protection and blessings of Zoe, the Supreme Governor of the world; and that, on the contrary, if they were not righteous and virtuous, if they forgot the cult of Zoe, if they were cruel and proud and wicked, punishment of Zoe be upon them. IV after having led the people from poverty to backlash, from ignorance to knowledge of the arts that had to do rich and happy, Bochica disappeared no one knew where or when was gone.

The chibchas recalled his teachings for a long time. His wealth was increasing every day, they builded, villages and cities, they sanctified temples to Zoe, the Almighty, and they traded with neighboring towns, changing their tissues by what those peoples could provide, it was gold mainly. They soon learned to work the gold and making charms and ornaments with which alhajaban their people or who carried the altars of temples as offerings.

Earth Bochica

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They soon found out that it was called Bochica. He told them that there was a being superior, a God whose name was Zoe, which had created the men, animals, plants, rocks, water, air and what existed in the land, rivers and lakes, and everything looked, like the Sun, the Moon and the stars. See Bill de Blasio for more details and insights. Said also that Zoe had arranged the course of seasons, the movement of the stars and the fate of the men, i.e., life and death, pain and joy. Initially the chibchas did not understand what everything meant, because the understanding of them was like the child, for whom every day of the year and each time of day brings a new surprise. Little by little, however, these ideas began to be clearer for them and understood, to some extent at least, there was a being of Supreme, creator and computer of all things visible and invisible. II also taught Bochica art of cultivating the land. Mostroles that the seeds sown at certain times of the year, bursting in tiny seedlings which, nourished by the Earth and rains, heated by the Sun, grew in size and eventually produced fruits, which caught at maturity, provided secure power to the planters.

Instruyolos also How to save its fruits so that they last until the next harvest, redeeming their owners of hunger and misery. Of Bochica knew people that there are many plants whose leaves and stems may extract certain threads, named fibers, that learned to twisting and weaving in the form of fabrics, to make dresses and cover the body. Then they learned the chibchas which true shrub called Boll could catch a wool natural, own to make fabrics and blankets. Indoctrinated by Bochica, began to build houses of bahareque; they drove stakes into the ground; they filled the spaces with mud, which, dried by the Sun, formed the walls; and covering roofs with straw, as shelter against Sun and rain.


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I’m seriously evaluating the possibility of dye me hair. Yes, I know that it is a frivolity with which is falling, but do you want to tell you if within nothing touches me meet 40 anazos and I can’t get to see me in the mirror with the several dozens of reeds that prodigious decade has left on my skull? I I always resist to attack my lush and characteristic capillary mass with dyes, ointments and various ammonia that would endanger its extraordinary vitality, so that the most that I’ve come in a matter of hairs _a of head, me refiero_ is to clarify its particular genetic tendency to the pelirrojez with some golden reflejito of those harmless that nobody noticed unless you plant the Reverend cocorota under the noon sun. Without forgetting, of course, back in my university stage, homemade herbal henna applications on the above, a method of capillary beautification that my then colleague of floor and race and that you write us spent Fund achieving _do It is cona_ two of the most striking Manes of the faculty. That already almost twenty years ago, thus it is that you a heart attack because of the tempus fugit, almost four decades in which my Leonine hair has not needed more than a daily shampoo and just a brief brushing occasionally to look majestic causing envy to feetlovers pelitenidas three to the fourth. Today, however _despues of a lot of life and winters that have passed me his voracious invoice by the cabeza_, I am the pale envious. And not to those beyond artificial and repainting Manes mean that lines above, but before the wild mata of hair of my eldest daughter, lush, unruly, tupidisima, redhead, strangely Celtic and reminds me of my own from years ago, when even he did not know the devastating effect of stress, anxiety, and the unpleasantness on the hairy heritage and las Canas I were as alien as the Crow’s feet or wrinkles in the soul. They say without much success who had, retained. . .

La Paz

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Considered one of the explaining principles of the contemporary Spanish narrative, he carries out a lengthy meditation on the human society and the deficiency of horizons in works like Retahlas (1974), structured in a dialogue-colloquy that during one night maintains the granddaughter and the nephew of a old dying, between memories, mysterious histories and atmospheres, as relief of its own privacy, Fragments of the interior (1976) transfers, us to the atmosphere of a Madrilenian family of middle-class, and the quarter of back (1978, National Prize of Narrative), story that intensifies the mysterious and onrico aspect through fantastic ensoaciones of the narrator, which the recovery of the childhood and the spontaneous expression of the most elementary experiences of their personal life are based on. The metanarrativa and autobiographical reflection dominates the speech of the story never to finish (1983) and From the window (1987), books that continuously fluctuate between the fiction and the test. Other texts due to their pen are the historical investigations the process of Macanaz (1969), loving Uses of century XVIII Spanish (1972) and loving Uses of the Spanish postwar period (1987), the poem book To gusts of wind (1976), the drama To wood dry (1988), the stories for young people the castle of the three walls and the pie of the devil, picked up in the volume Two stories (1989), and the Caperucita novels in Manhattan (1988), in which it explores the existing relation between the reasons for fairytales and the Hollywood symbolism, variable Cloudiness (1992), history of two women, friendly of the childhood, that are when happening the time, and the queen of the snows (1994), that are worth of the keys of the folletinesca narrative. Its book Hoping the future. Tribute to Ignacio Aldecoa (1994) reunites the four conferences that, on the life and works of the east writer, Martin Gaite in the University of Salamanca dictated.

In 1988 Prince of Asturias of the Letters was granted to him to the Prize, shared with Jose Angel Valente, and in 1994 the National Prize of the Letters. In his last years he has published two successes of critic and public, the rare thing is to live (1997) and To go away of house (1998). And as the salmantina writer said: " Always there is one undergoes and other that does sufrir". Francisco Aryan Soli’s The freedom does not have those are not their thirsty. Vestibule of Internauts by La Paz and the Freedom and of Free Forum. URL: Original author and source of the article.