Tag Archives: vocational

Cryostats – Chillers For Low Temperatures (

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House of technology offers seminar on the topic of Kryostatbau, to expose kryotechnisches practical knowledge to a wider audience the cryogenics Department is engaged in the generation and application of low temperatures (< 80 K). The controlled production of this low temperatures is carried out in special cooling machines, which are known as a cryostat. At German universities, the cryogenics in research and teaching is rarely represented, so that the engineer, technician or engineer mostly independently in this area must incorporate. Here numerous problems, such as raising arise appropriate literature, substance data for fluids and materials, as well as the cover of suitable standard components due to the relatively small spread of cryogenic expertise. In addition, most basic knowledge about essential points that should be taken into account in the Kryostatbau is missing. The Haus der Technik therefore offers a seminar on the topic of Kryostatbau, to expose kryotechnisches practical knowledge to a wider audience. The HDT event on May 28.

until September 30, 2011 in Karlsruhe is under the direction of Dr.-ing. H. Neumann (KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of technology) and covers the procedural basics, requirements for kryostatische materials, measurement and control technology of cryostat, safety, Kryostatkonstruktion and examples of execution. The HDT students receive theoretical and practical at the same time first-hand information and the opportunity for discussion with the speakers. Their own experiences and problems can be brought into the discussion. The aim of the seminar is an intensive experience and knowledge transfer, which aims to provide knowledge of the specifics through basic lectures in the Kryostatbau.

This, in particular the basic principles and their bases should be treated. In addition, numerous examples of execution should facilitate the implementation.For more information about the seminar Kryostatbau, on the Internet at or directly here: htd /… Dipl.-ing. Check out 76ers Owner for additional information. Kai banks man

Trainees – The Future Of Hotels!

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Trainees really demand and promote long term to save Recruitingkosten. In times of shortage, trainees are a very important resource in the hotels. The number of newly concluded training contracts in the hospitality industry in Germany goes back but ever since 2007. There were according to Dehoga year 2007 46.354 new apprenticeships, the number dwindled 2012 on just 29.238. In addition, that the number of those who prematurely cancel your education is so high in any other industry.

The drop out rate with 49.4% is (2011) particularly high especially for chefs. This is not least because that the workday then but differs strongly from the enticing ideas. Work where other holiday making, meet new people and exciting working environment are rapidly changing layers, free irregular days and displaced the work on weekends and holidays. This often causes changes of the trainee’s circle of friends, or even completely lost. The high initial motivation can then quickly get lost. Tip: Hoteliers look at the setting of new trainees to, that the candidate has a realistic picture of the training in the hospitality industry, to avoid a premature termination and related costs of for hiring. A trainee begins his apprenticeship in the hospitality industry, he is usually between 19 and 20 years old. Who here thinks he would have adults, established personalities is mistaken.

The first time right work, maybe even combined represent already a challenge for a young person with the excerpt from the parental home or even move into a strange area. Also charakterlich are young people far less consolidated, as perhaps it is assumed. To deal with criticism, to use them to improve the own services and to stay motivated, must be learned first. Tip: Instructors have a special duty of care for your students, you must comply with the. Especially to concerns in dealing with trainees is always the special human Stage of development where they are.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer – New Advisory Board Member Of The V + Management GmbH

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The Advisory Board of the V + Management GmbH – consisting of Dr. Heribert Bohlen, Dr. Bernd Wahle and Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer – advises the V + fund companies with competent expertise. Danny Meyer has plenty of information regarding this issue. The V + Management GmbH have succeeded to win Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer as a member of the Advisory Board for the V + fund companies.

Mr Prof. Fischer 1 leads since 2001 in Aachen the Institute of biology (molecular biotechnology), VII the Fraunhofer Institute for molecular biology and applied ecology IME MB and in Newark (Delaware) the Fraunhofer United States Center for molecular biotechnology and since 2009 the CSB Center for Systemsbiotechnology in Chile. Realistic research institutions dedicated to applied research and development in life sciences in the field of molecular biology and ecology. The Fraunhofer IME conducts research and development in the pharmaceutical, medical, chemistry, agriculture/environmental protection and consumer protection. The Aachen-based part of the Institute develops practical application of new technologies to diagnose and therapy of human and animal diseases. Crops and Food will be protected against pathogenic influences.

The Schmallenberger part of the Institute recognizes and assesses the opportunities and risks of synthetic and biogenic substances for the environment and consumers. Protective strategies are developed and implemented. Oriented to customer research services, development services, and services are bundled in business fields and are based on different customer groups: functional and applied genomics, pharmaceutical product development, biotechnology, integrated production platforms, plant protection, chemicals – and product safety, ground – water protection, environmental monitoring, food and feed safety. Prof. Dr. Rainer Fischer – co-founder of four other startups – 2003 the AAvandgarde laboratories AG in Aachen – 2004 the PharMedartes GmbH in Bochum – 2006 Medusa Biotech in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia – 2009 the AgroProtect GmbH in Aachen goals of the Advisory Board the Advisory Board 2 of V + Management GmbH – consisting of Dr.

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Apprentice acquittal in the dental technician-craft 2010 of the frame was – the opportunity – festive, had invited their guests to the 26 February in the venerable Holy Cross Church in Berlin-Kreuzberg but the dental technicians Guild Berlin-Brandenburg. 80 trainees came with their instructors, masters, families, and friends to take part and to celebrate the big event atmosphere. \”\” Won’t read on a first highlight to wait: the test movie \”, this time under the title turn, Aperture, training end\” with thoughtful input images of political and social events since 1989 provided for vocal enthusiasm especially under the present specimens, but scenes were filmed and edited to a snappy stripes during the examination. This master dental technician Burkhard Buder (Director of the dental technician master school) and Michael Paul (Office of the dental technicians Guild Berlin-Brandenburg) applies special thanks for day-long turning and cutting work. He also took on the theme of the film Guild champions of the dental technicians Guild Berlin-Brandenburg, master dental technician Karlfried Hesse, in his greeting reference: you, young ladies and gentlemen, are born into a world that is in an extreme political and economic change…Now it is the turn, to engage with your personality, to meet challenges and to prove himself every day… \”\”. \”Courage, self-confidence and discipline\” K. Hesse therefore wish the future young apprentices on their way of life.

also fantasy, because it inspires us, optimism, because there everything a solution and health, because without them none of… \”Pleasing the Guild master more than 300 guests report: only two had not passed the exam by all trainees participating in Berlin and Brandenburg in the audit.\” This exceptionally low failure rate is proof of the high quality of education in the dental laboratories of our region. Were subsequently – an old Craft tradition – all former trainees of their commitments in the tutoring acquitted and welcomed as ordinary bachelorhood, the achievement and journeymen of the dental technician trade in the District of the profession.