Apprentice acquittal in the dental technician-craft 2010 of the frame was – the opportunity – festive, had invited their guests to the 26 February in the venerable Holy Cross Church in Berlin-Kreuzberg but the dental technicians Guild Berlin-Brandenburg. 80 trainees came with their instructors, masters, families, and friends to take part and to celebrate the big event atmosphere. \”\” Won’t read on a first highlight to wait: the test movie \”, this time under the title turn, Aperture, training end\” with thoughtful input images of political and social events since 1989 provided for vocal enthusiasm especially under the present specimens, but scenes were filmed and edited to a snappy stripes during the examination. This master dental technician Burkhard Buder (Director of the dental technician master school) and Michael Paul (Office of the dental technicians Guild Berlin-Brandenburg) applies special thanks for day-long turning and cutting work. He also took on the theme of the film Guild champions of the dental technicians Guild Berlin-Brandenburg, master dental technician Karlfried Hesse, in his greeting reference: you, young ladies and gentlemen, are born into a world that is in an extreme political and economic change…Now it is the turn, to engage with your personality, to meet challenges and to prove himself every day… \”\”. \”Courage, self-confidence and discipline\” K. Hesse therefore wish the future young apprentices on their way of life.

also fantasy, because it inspires us, optimism, because there everything a solution and health, because without them none of… \”Pleasing the Guild master more than 300 guests report: only two had not passed the exam by all trainees participating in Berlin and Brandenburg in the audit.\” This exceptionally low failure rate is proof of the high quality of education in the dental laboratories of our region. Were subsequently – an old Craft tradition – all former trainees of their commitments in the tutoring acquitted and welcomed as ordinary bachelorhood, the achievement and journeymen of the dental technician trade in the District of the profession.