Daily Archives: June 7, 2018

Recent Venzuelan History

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Venezuela’s recent history is linked to the figure of Romulo Gallegos, as many of his contemporaries, he knew political and social truths unravel and translate not only in his writings but also in their actions, for this reason is that, for example, voluntary exile to avoid offering the senator that made Juan Vicente Gomez, Venezuelan dictator feared early twentieth century, representing everything millimeter of barbarism could conceptualize Gallegos, for that reason also, a few years later, joined his pen, his figure and will to the militant political activity is one of the founders of the Democratic Action Party at the time that the party represented the hope of many Venezuelans to exit from the savagery of dictatorship and the guerrillas and enter a time in the current democratic government and social peace.

It was at this time he participated actively in politics, as beloved figure and respected by the Venezuelan people, who became president of the republic in the elections held in 1948. His presidency lasted only a few months since it was ousted by the movement that led Chalbaud Delgado and Marcos Perez Jimenez, who would eventually be killed on first and self-proclaimed President (dictator) the second. It was the beginning of the second exile of Romulo Gallegos, which ended in 1958 after the fall and end of the dictatorship of Perez Jimenez. He returned to Venezuela and without further political ambitions, realizing that the moment had passed, on his return he was awarded the National Prize for Literature, in my opinion lean compensation and recognition for their efforts and work not only as literary but also political and the social. .

Penalty In Our Pets

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So painful and confusing grief and loss can be for humans, it is similar to our pets. The animals form deep and strong bonds with their furry friends and owners, and as a result, the impact of the loss can be quite traumatic. Pets that will afflict can also become more tight and not wanting to be separated from the owners. What causes worthwhile? When a pet experiences loss of another animal companion, or of a human family member, the animal may be really depressed because he has lost something dear. Because animals are insightful, often also detected the pain and grief of the owner. Diagnosis of penalty you may notice that your dog or cat expresses grief in a physical way or psychological could have stopped eating, distanced from you or other family members and having lost interest in their favorite activities.

Signs and symptoms common symptoms and signs of pain in animals include: * low power * Lethargy * lack of interest in activities such as exercise and game * loss of appetite * weight loss * restlessness * increased daytime sleep * insomnia * anxiety * depression help for the penalty helps the animal to cope with their grief with extra attention and being compassionate. Don’t let the animal fall into a depression because you may think that he can deal with this sentence by itself alone. Stay involved coaxing him to eat, play and exercise and avoid reinforcing or reward unwanted behaviors such as consumption or depression. The time of trouble is different for each pet as human beings, the penalty period can last longer than others. While some dogs or cats are adjusted and gradually come to terms with their loss, others tend to fight and find more hard tackle it. For pets that are not doing front clearly, you need to consult your veterinarian or an animal behavioral.