Daily Archives: June 14, 2018

Educational Context

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The historical influence of psychology has radically marked development in its different fields of action, the psychology of education has achieved in the last decades the participation of psychologists in the educational and pedagogical context as such, and can thus, interact and enter context not only appropriating phenomena individual knowledge and learning, but also of problems to a group or collective level that are raised from the pedagogy and the context itself, and can view them from a perspective more real and dynamic. The evolution of the educational psychology has given roles to the psychologist who have varied over time, focusing first on basic learning and how processes the subject reaches its ultimate goal which is knowledge and through which instruments, in that the emergence of psychometrics was then the basis for the theories of learning and intelligencetogether with observations of laboratory, was limited the way of how the psychologist could know the development of the subject, i.e. only on a cognitive level, without taking into account other elements that have always influenced when acquiring knowledge and under conditions individuals may develop in an educational context. So under these historical influences has the psychologist accomplished open gap 1? essay presented by students of the universidad pontificia bolivariana in the psychology of VI semester program in the subject fields of educational application oriented by teacher Andrea Delgado. enter this and address educational issues in a comprehensive manner, i.e. taking into account the scope of social, family, and all the aspects that are not necessarily linked to educational practice in the classroom and that generated a direct or indirect influence in the educational process of the individual.Education psychologist appropriates several aspects of the life of the individual who is involved in their formation process, so you must be prepared to intervene and assess not only at educational level and in context but in other spaces that are inherent in the educational space, the education psychologists, have to assume that education is a social practice, which implies ideological and moral behaviour, and not claim to take refuge in a neutral, scientific and disciplined approach *, therefore the educational psychology focuses on the study of processes of change occurring in persons, the study of their psychological processes; so its relationship with education is fundamental and in the participation of persons in educational activities..