Brazil Education


After that, a commission was formed to elaborate to seem on the subject. After the approval of Law 10,639/03, the CNE asked for to the commission that extended seeming, already in elaboration phase, in order to establish the curricular lines of direction for the implementation of the law. Seeming that she contemplates the lines of direction, she had the teacher as reporter, was approved in 10 of homologated March and in 19 of May of 2004. Resolution 01 of the Full Advice of the CNE officially institutes the national curricular lines of direction for the education of the ethnic-racial relations and for the education of history and culture afro-Brazilian and African and was published in Official gazette in day 22 of June of 2004. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with shimmie horn. This trajectory is inspired in experiences carried through in classrooms, for prompt initiatives of teachers and professors, and also in spaces of the organizations of the black movement. With the same persistence demonstrated throughout history, the MN continues facing the challenge to make with that the law is respected and implemented in efficient way in all the domestic territory.

For this, it continues to monitor the didactic proposals, contents programmarians, materials and the formation offered to (to) the professional ones of education, that always must observe practical of an education the not-racist. 3-A LAW 10.639/03: TO It historical context: Of authorship of the member of the house of representatives Esther Grossi (Broken of the Workers? Great PT /Rio of the South), Law 10,639/03 was promulgated by the president of the Republic, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, in 9 of February of 2003. It modifies the LDB of 1996 and includes in the official resume of the basic educational establishments of the nets public and private the obligatoriness of the study of thematic history and African culture and afro-Brazilian. In accordance with the law, the content programmarian of the diverse ones you discipline must approach the study of history of Africa and the African peoples, the fight of the black people in Brazil, the Brazilian black culture and the (a) black () in the formation of the national society, rescuing the contribution of the black people in the areas social, economic and politics pertinent to the history of Brazil.