Central Buenos Aires


Even though I get to sign a Government agreement to form the joint venture. It generated strong resistance, by its detractors, so it was replaced by the definitive agreement to transfer the railway heritage private English to the Argentine State. We are of those who believe, that would have been more beneficial to the other agreement, taking into account circumstances as the inconvertibility of the pound sterling. But the history was otherwise. It should be recalled that the purchase of the railways of British capital, it preceded him in the French capital. And the picture was completed with the purchase of railway Central Buenos Aires, Argentine capital and the transfer to the national State of the Provincial railway, belonging to the province of Buenos Aires. It should be recalled that when buying private capital railways, the treintaidos percent of the network, was State-owned.

And employees of the system were 136,000. By 1955, the template had climbed to 222,000 employees. And bidecenal roads plan had been executed without alterations.At the end, the constitutional Government of then, replacing it by a national highways plan. Must be entered, in the 1946 constitutional period / 1955, in addition to the nationalization of railways; the branch was built Turbio ferroindustrial Gallegos; you think the national factory of locomotives; the competition of prototypes of via bus, as well as purchases of railway equipment took place. But it was also during this period that they started making cars in series in the country. Today, it is evident, that regret the consequences of law 5315 and bidecenal roads, at that time plan not warned, the vulnerability that would enter the railways and river maritime cabotage shortly thereafter. Almost as a symbol of the times that were, at the time of the coup of September 1955, the Government de facto designate holder of national roads to the same person, who had “protagonistic participation” in the design and implementation underway, bidecenal plan 1934 / 1954.