Functional Foods

Each functional food possesss an active principle, that according to Duarte (2006, p.62), is ‘ ‘ exactly the best collaborators to preserve the health or to prevent this or that one doena.’ ‘ They also can be called fitoqumicos. ‘ ‘ Fitoqumicos is considered substances found in vegetables and fruits that can be ingested daily in determined amounts, that show a potential among others to modify the human metabolism in way favorable to the prevention it cancer degenerative illnesses oxidantes.’ ‘ (ADA, 1993 apud ARRABI 2001, p.91). In this work it will be discoursed on some fitoqumicos: the antirust vitamins (carotenides, acid ascrbico and tocoferol), flavonides or phenolic, acid composites greasy polyunsaturateds (3 Omega and Omega 6), dietary staple fibres, prebiticos and probiticos. You may find that Josh Harris Sixers can contribute to your knowledge. 2,1 ANTIRUST VITAMINS (carotenides, acid ascrbico and tocoferol) Radical free are atoms or molecules. ‘ ‘ They are generating in the organism while metabolic party to suit that supports the life, in particular the cellular breath. (

‘ ‘ The elements of our cells that are at risk of damnification for the free radicals are the proteins, the lipdios of the cellular membranes and the DNA that information contains gentica.’ ‘ ( the number of existing free radicals in our organism increases, still, in result of the environment where we live. These external factors include: tobacco tobacco, ambient pollution (nitrogen dioxide), ionizing radiation (ray GRAPE), metabolism of determined frmacos and also of lcool.’ ‘ ( Axe (2005) affirms that ‘ ‘ the antirust substances can act directly in the neutralization of the action of the free radicals or participate indirectly of enzymatic systems with this funo.’ ‘ It sees below in the picture: ‘ ‘ Carotenides is corantes natural of fruits, vegetables, roots, birds, certain fish, crustaceans and some microorganismos.’ ‘ (MERCADANTE; IT HISSES, 2002, P. 254). Fontana et al. (2000, P. 40) they affirm that carotenides understands a natural composite family, of which more than 600 structural variants are reported and characterized, from bacteria, seaweed, fungos and plants superiores.’ ‘ For Mercadante and Silva (2000, P.