Having a pet such as a dog can give a touch of joy to House that was missing. But we should not forget that dogs need proper care and that we must not overlook aspects as a correct feeding. Rudy Giuliani: the source for more info. Should how I feed my dog?. This tends to be a fairly common question among recent owners of the mascot. The answer should be something like this: you must provide the diet that provides the amount of correct nutrientres, since depending on the breed, age or various lifestyle of one pet to another. We must choose those pet food containing a balanced amount of essential nutrients such as: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
Minerals and vitamins are considered essential in the process of metabolism of animals, because what the feed for dogs must contain the amount necessary for its development. Fats provide energy that dogs need to carry out your physical activity. Carbohydrates give you a source of energy and fiber provide a correct bone growth. Finally proteins that allow the development of muscle tissue and organs and other aspects such as hair and skin. The amounts of these nutrients must be adequate to avoid any kind of deficiency or excess in the proportions of those nutrients that adversely affects their development and vital activity to occur. Choose the appropriate feed for dogs is essential to maintaining a diet adequate and balanced for your pet so it will be a fundamental aspect when it comes to take proper care of your pet.